Ms. Namita Nayyar: What exercises comprise your fitness regime or workout routine you shall like to share?
Ms. Michelle Jenneke: My training schedule consists of two or three track training sessions a week and two strength and conditioning sessions at the gym each week. Besides that, most of my exercise is non specific and more for enjoyment than for training purposes.
I am not a great swimmer but I love spending time in the pool or swimming at the beach during summer. I don’t get much time for team sports anymore but I played soccer for 11 years and played lots of sports as I was growing up, so I still love kicking a ball around or playing Frisbee or touch footy etc. with friends.
Ms. Namita Nayyar: Do you take some special diet or have a strict menu that you follow to remain healthy and physically fit?
Ms. Michelle Jenneke: No I don’t have a special diet, my diet changes depending on what phase of the Athletics season we are in. During the off season, I like to be a little heavier as it gives me the advantage of training with weight on, so I eat pretty much anything during the winter months, I love dairy products, biscuits, chocolate and lollies so I am not a great role model for healthy eating for most of the year. Once the competition season comes around I drop weight and eat a much healthier diet, with a lot more fruit and vegetables and red capsicum, grape tomatoes and berries replace my sweet tooth cravings Regardless of the season I always eat a lot of carbs and Pasta or potato are a daily must, plus I eat quite a lot of meat.
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