Namita Nayyar:
Share exercises that are an integral part of your workout routine? Five must-dos stretch to beat the stress? Any sport you like?
Meagan Lee:
I don’t have a single go to work out. I try to stay active, but gravitate towards what feels good in the moment. Sometimes that’s yoga, or Pilates. Other times it’s a walk on the beach or a bike ride. Anything you can do to keep the blood and endorphin flowing is a win.
Namita Nayyar:
Share your schedule on a day off.
Meagan Lee:
I am a morning person, and generally up by 5:30 or 6. I walk my pups first thing when we wake up. I use off days to catch up on laundry, go to the market, get some sunshine, make a home cooked meal, and watch TV. Normal things.
Namita Nayyar:
Your meal before and after a workout? The secret to maintaining a slim torso.
Meagan Lee:
I usually have a protein drink before working out (I love Nuzest clean lean protein and Vega), followed by a banana after my workout. Maintaining a slim torso is mostly the result of eating clean, anti-inflammatory foods.
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