Namita Nayyar:
Tell us how you felt before and after winning 5th place at the 2016 Optimum Classic?
Mayla Ash:
Being selected as top 5 in an Olympia qualifying show had me on cloud nine, but there was a little stress and self-doubt the night before the show. As excited as I was to start competing again, I was nervous about getting back on stage. There are moments during prepping for a show where competitors second guess things. I was no different. Is my carbohydrate loading and water depleting on schedule? Will I be too muscular in this line up? Did I improve enough? All these things ran through my mind as we all got backstage to get ready to perform. Fortunately for me as we lined up, a switch always flips on inside of me. The competitor comes out and all the doubt and fear disappear.
Namita Nayyar:
Who has been your biggest influence and motivation in your path to success?
Mayla Ash:
The person who had the most influence on me is my idol the beautiful Ms Olympia, Lenda Murray. Being into track and field since the fourth grade I was always athletic and muscular. Outside of that sports world I always felt out of place because of it until I can across two coffee table books created by Bill Dobbins called “The Women” and “Modern Amazons’. In these books he showcased Ms. Murray and her muscular form in a way that showed that muscles on a woman can be beautiful, feminine and even sexy. It was in that moment admiring those pictures that I finally felt I could be athletically successful and muscular and be feminine and beautiful.
Namita Nayyar:
What you wish to say about the website Womenfitness.net and message for its visitors?
Mayla Ash:
WomenFitness.net is a superb one-stop resource for every woman no matter where they are in their journey of life. Not only providing current information in the areas of exercise and nutrition WomenFitness.net also offers essential wellness and beauty tips and access to products and resources to help you achieve your goals. If you had only one choice to get expert recommendations, advice and support to become the best you that you can be I highly recommend you chose WomenFitness.net!
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