Having a regular exercise routine makes it a lot easier to maintain a healthy lifestyle: you can plan your workouts, prepare with good nutrition, and engage in a post-workout routine.

Any form of exercise benefits your body, and you don’t have to be an elite athlete to experience those benefits. Just moving your body impacts your muscles, lungs, heart, and brain — in other words, your entire body.
Exercise demands more from your body, so you should fuel your body before, during, and after every workout.
Here are tips for supporting your health, preventing injury, and ensuring your best recovery every time you’re active.
1. Prepare for your workout
Your workout starts before you even get moving. Whether you’re hopping on an exercise bike, joining a fitness class, or going for a walk, preparing your body from the inside is extremely important. In addition, transitioning from sitting to exercising demands a lot from your body, so you need to support this transition with good nutrition.
Prep before you break a sweat with a pre-workout drink — but not just any drink. Consuming caffeine and nitric oxide precursors before exercise can help you get ready.
2. Warm-up
It’s not uncommon to want to forgo your warm-up, but starting your workout “cold” can lead to injury. About 15-30 minutes after your pre-workout drink, begin warming up your body. This allows your body to start increasing your oxygen circulation and core temperature. Take 5-10 minutes to do light stretching and then begin moving.
As your oxygen and blood begin flowing more, it helps your muscles safely transition from rest to exercise more efficiently to maximize your workout.
3. Fuel your workout
As you increase the intensity during your workout, your body needs more fuel. While carbohydrates have gotten a bad rap, the body needs them for fuel. During high-intensity interval training, you spend time in an anaerobic state when your body doesn’t get as much oxygen as it needs, so your body can only use carbs to produce all that energy.
Staying hydrated by drinking water during your workout is a good idea, but if your workout is high intensity or exceeds 30 minutes, sports drinks that deliver carbs and electrolytes (that you lose when you sweat) can support your top performance.
4. Cooldown
Toward the end of your workout, you need to give your body time to slow down. Reduce your intensity gradually, restoring normal breathing and heart rate slowly so you won’t feel dizzy or lightheaded. Then, stretch your muscles to lower the risk of injury, promote blood flow, and reduce stress on the heart and other muscles.
Combine nutrition with exercise

“Nutrition is never separate from workouts,” adds Ryan. “Consuming protein and other nutrients, combined with strength training and other forms of exercise, helps you build muscle and stay active at any age.”
Incorporating exercise and healthy nutrition into your daily routine is essential as you begin your new journey to a healthier lifestyle.
The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.