Ms. Namita Nayyar:
The past year has been a difficult one with you struggling to find your world-class form and your mother battling cancer. Through all the tough and difficult times, what was the driving force that has brought you where you are today? “Maxime wasn’t here as an athlete, but each, Games have their history,” said 26-year-old Chloe, why so?
Ms. Maxime Dufour-Lapointe:
For me, I was struggling last year from chronic pain, not knowing where it was from, and with the team, we were patching everything and trying to make sure I could ski. Looking back at my previous season, I got the injury in October. So ski injured and my mom battling cancer, I still made it to the world champs, to top 8, honestly it was my best season, being strong mentally.
When I look back now, I am really proud of myself. After the season, after performing an MRI, getting the news that it’s not my fault, I’m not just old, something is broken and we can fix it, I was relieved. I was relieved that I can take a break to focus on my rest and tackle the new challenge. It was really fun in that recovery period, I have learnt so much about myself, sports, and it definitely gave me a new angle.
Like I said, I ran out of time and even though I gave in my everything, this forced me to think how far I can go, what is the best version of myself that I can get to as an athlete. And even though I expected it to be from the results, it actually came from building a whole house for my family, battling cancer, going over injuries, changing coaches, dealing with media, getting more involved with my sponsors. So it was all different things that life brings your way, I am really proud of how I handled it and the way my sisters handled it. That’s a part of our story coming to PyeongChang, we were lot more mature women, and champion in all aspects.
When I knew that I wasn’t going to be in PyeongChang, it was very emotional, I’m still processing it because I gave in my everything to qualify. And now it’s another period for recovery and to take care of myself. When I knew I was not going I knew I had to be there and help my sisters, make sure that they have the best environment to succeed and perform. So I came with them at the pre-olympic camp and I was watching them train, seeing if they need anything, any requests or needs during the day, my mum and I would go and get that need fixed for them. Anything I would see in their attitude or the way that they would train, then I would have a little chat with my coach and try to give my insight on how well I know my sisters.
Usually when we do pre-olympic training camps we like to have a small bubble, but that time my sisters asked me and my mum to be there and so it was very important for us to be there and after the so much emotional year, last year, it was a bonding moment for us.
After that back in PyeongChang, I was cheering for them, I was helping my family, I was helping them a bit with the media. My Olympics weren’t as I expected them to be, but they still had a meaning. Doing all that for my sisters, was giving my Olympics a meaning, but it was also about doing it for myself. Going to PyeongChang was a celebration for me, for the past four years of work, dedication and passion that I have for the sport. Just because you do not qualify in the end that doesn’t mean that the whole process wasn’t worth it. Therefore, it was a big moment for me to go and I consider myself as a Champion in a very broad aspect of the world.
Ms. Namita Nayyar:
Having performed so well throughout your career, who all have been your role model, inspiration, and motivator in your career as an athlete?
Ms. Maxime Dufour-Lapointe:
I have been influenced by many different athletes and personalities and I would like to look at the world around me and see how others have lived and see who you can relate to, is good enough, it’s incredible. Jennifer Heil was a pioneer in mogul skiing in Canada, I was also inspired by Steve Omischl who is in aerials, but I love his training ethics. My coach who taught me to be fearless, has been the biggest mentor in my career, in many ways he changed my life. Any athlete in Team Canada, there is inspiration all around us and I like to take out the best piece from everyone and make my own blend.
Ms. Namita Nayyar:
Women Fitness works relentlessly with a goal to reach out to women all over the world providing them with best in health, fitness, beauty & fashion. What do you wish to say about the website (Womenfitness.net) and message for our readers?
Ms. Maxime Dufour-Lapointe:
I think this is awesome, sharing is strength, and sharing knowledge is incredible. We all do not get to evolve in an environment where people support you being an athlete. As an athlete resources are all around us but in everyday life sometimes it is harder to find proper information and good people to surround yourself with. Using Women Fitness as a place to go and get good information is priceless and very important, especially for women empowerment. Just like my sisters we decided to help each other and this is exactly what Women Fitness is doing, providing help from one women to another.
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