Ms. Namita Nayyar:
Optimum nutrition is an integral part of a sports person to stay fit and recover from wear & tear. There is no doubt you too need to take special care of your diet? Do you follow a strict menu to stay healthy and physically fit? Do you have any taboo foods, if yes share them?
Ms. Maxime Dufour-Lapointe:
Relation with food and diet in my journey as an athlete was that I didn’t work with a nutritionist per say. I was listening a lot to my physical coach’s tips and it was more about discovering what fit for me and what didn’t. Today what I really eat is more of fruits in the morning, and vegetable base meals that have protein, but probably not as much as you would expect. I think the challenge is when you travel because you cannot find the exact same food as you eat at home, when you’re in Japan or Korea. So we drink a lot of supplements, we have Biosteel that gave us Isolate powder and protein bars, so these are great to fill in. So again I think you need to understand your body and your energy system to know what works and what doesn’t work for you.
I would also have a glass of wine, have a chocolate, have a dessert; it’s just a matter of balance. It’s ok to get of the diet, but I think I like it so much, eating fruits and vegetables and eat the way that I eat, that I don’t crave eating in any other way. Me and my sisters, we love cooking. For me cooking gives me a peaceful moment, it gives me a break during the day so it is a very enjoyable task for me. We make soups often for lunch, and salads, big bowl of fruits for morning; we like to try new recipes as well.
Ms. Namita Nayyar:
Being a professional athlete, you are a role model for many striving to make their dream come true, provide us with some motivational words to help others climb up the ladder of success in this field?
Ms. Maxime Dufour-Lapointe:
The biggest moment for me, where I was really able to step up was when I had this competition with my coach and he asked me what is your biggest fear. And for me it was failing, it was such a deep thing inside me, that whether I did think about it or not, it made me ski in a safe way, because I did not want to fail. The problem with that was I was not able to ski as good as I could, because if I would have done that I would have also put myself in the risk of committing a mistake. So when I realized that my fear of failing was holding me back, it was a big conscious moment. My coaches then said but there’s no failing, if something doesn’t work you learn from it and if it does, you win. From that moment, I realized that there’s never a losing moment, you only move forward. I realized that I have to give myself that chance of being in the winning situation and not let my fear holding me back.
One of my motto in my career is “Magic happens outside of your comfort zone.” It related to that story where you have to put yourself out there, it’s going to be all fine and you’ll be amazed to see what you can do and you’re going to do it.
Ms. Namita Nayyar:
At the Sochi Olympics in 2014, you, Justine, and Chloe, all competed in the moguls event. This marked just the fifth time three siblings competing together in the same event in the Olympics. Tell us how does it feel to have competition with your own sisters standing by you at all times and being in the same sport?
Ms. Maxime Dufour-Lapointe:
We are always asked is there competition between you guys, and no there’s not, it’s actually our biggest strength. We are travelling the world, we are putting ourselves in critical situations of highs and lows, and who else would you want by your side other than your sisters. We all always had this vision of three of us, dominating the sport, all our reactions were to lift each other up, and that has happened in Sochi and that has happened after. It is really based on our family values and women empowerment. We could have seen it in a competitive way, but we decided to see it as opportunity to use this strength together and it has been great.
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