Ms. Namita Nayyar:
You possess an exceptional fighter physique. What exercises comprise your fitness regime or workout routine you shall like to share?
Ms. Marloes Coenen:
I co-own R-Grip gym in Amsterdam where we design our own schedule. That is awesome. My partner is an old Taekwondo fighter and MMA-veteran who was a gymnastic teacher before. Twice a week we offer a circuit training (15×1 minute 3 rounds) which focuses on strength and endurance for fighters. Core stability, coordination are also included. They are basic fitness exercises combined with kicking a bag for a minute or lift the knees and punch with weights in your hands for a minute. But also squats and pull ups are included. He changes the regime every few weeks. Also I do padwork, train with the group in MMA, grappling, boxing and thaiboxing and also work the big muscle groups (squatting with the Olympic halter for instance.).
Ms. Namita Nayyar:
Do you take some special diet or have a strict menu that you follow to remain healthy and physically fit?
Ms. Marloes Coenen:
Yes. I get fat easily. Lots of veggies is key. I have read a lot; books from why no wheat, raw food bibles, to ‘nourishing traditions’. It’s all so contradicting! The China Study says no meat but gets slammed for by other ‘professors’. I have had a, in the Netherlands well known, nutritionist (mr. van der Zeijden) so I learned the basics from him.
Now I do my own thing. I do eat meat, also eggs (yolk too and only liquid) but am hooked on veggies and love fermented things (I make my own water kefir, for instance.). I eat cheese (which is sooo not allowed by many) but only from raw milk. After having dieted so hardcore and found out the side effects I know one thing and that is to care good for your body. No sugar but sometimes you need it, so take it. Better to use organice raw honey than a snicker. In general I skip everything cooked in a fabric except for tomato sauce.
Ms. Namita Nayyar:
Advice and motivational words to the inspiring and budding mixed martial artist girls who all are your fans, they shall like to know from you, what they should do for their climb to ladder of success in field of women mixed martial art professional fighting?
Ms. Marloes Coenen:
- Find a gym where they treat each other and you with respect.
- Start training for 2-3 months 2-3x a week. Never skip a class.
- After this period, evaluate. Did you become better? Was it fun? Lost some weight? What are goals you can set?
- If the outcome of point 3 is positive, continue. Have fun and success will come.
Ms. Namita Nayyar:
You must had your share of injuries during professional fights. How you were able to overcome such a physical injury/setback and what advice you can give to fellow fighter person in a similar situation?
Ms. Marloes Coenen:
I had some cuts and broke a finger during fights. But the most injuries are from training. As long as ou enjoy the workout, injuries are no bottleneck. When I overstretched my arm big time, we taped it so I couldn’t used it during boxing with one arm. That one arm got trained well. With inventive thinking a set back can be transformed into a benefit somehow.
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