Namita Nayyar:
How do you go out to start your day? Every sportsperson has to have a disciplined routine to succeed what do you say on that?
Maja Jager:
I have a rather small morning routine, normally get up around 7:00, take a shower and eat breakfast in form of Yoghurt and muesli. Then I drive for practice starting at 9:00.
It can be very helpful to have routines in your daily life making it possible to spent energy on important things and not on what to eat or wear. As well as saving time on a busy day, by having routines to keep the schedule and stay organised.
Namita Nayyar:
Before taking up archery as a sport, what are the key points to keep in mind?
Maja Jager:
Doing archery you want to hit the middle, but it is actually even more about the movements and repetition of these movements until they become habits to maximise your grouping of the arrows. So before you take up archery you should make sure to find a good coach who can teach you the basics so you don’t start with acquiring bad habits that you will need to change later on.

Namita Nayyar:
Three components that are a must in your fitness regime? Cardio, flexibility & strength training rate them in the order you prefer?
Maja Jager:
I mostly do strength training as it is important for archers to have a strong core and shoulders, but it is also a big part of keeping free of injuries and balancing out the effects the monotome movement patterns have on the body.
Cardio is also important especially leading up to the competition season. It helps keeping the heart rate down during stressed situations and can ensure a mental surplus in general.
In archery flexibility is not necessary to a great extend but it should not be a limiting factor. For me in particular this is not a problem as I am quite flexible around the shoulders, but some might find that they can not get their shoulder as high up as the optimal position and here stretching might be beneficial.
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