Maja Jager is a Danish female archer. At the 2012 Summer Olympics she competed for her country in the Women’s team event as well as the individual event. She took part in the 2013 World Archery Championships and became world champion in the women’s individual recurve and won bronze in the women’s team event.
Women Fitness President, Namita Nayyar talks to the spectacular archer, about her sport and what drives her to it.
Namita Nayyar:
You have made a mark for yourself in the field of archery, what motivated you towards this sport?
Maja Jager:
I tried archery by a coincidence at a local club when I was young. I thought it was a lot of fun and started shortly after.
Namita Nayyar:
You took part in the 2013 World Archery Championships and became world champion in the women’s individual recurve and won bronze in the women’s team event. Being a world champion and olympian, were your eyes always set on this goal? What are your 5 tips for beginners who aspire to be like you?
Maja Jager:
When I had just started archery I was only 8 years of age and was just having a lot of fun shooting with my bow and arrows. As I grew older I started competing nationally and rather fast internationally in junior tournaments, and started to get a taste of the competition and the thrill of wining. It slowly became something I really wanted to achieve, competing at the olympics. I can’t say there was a certain date I set the goal but as I started competing I started practising harder and became more determined on what I wanted to achieve with my sport.
In 8th grade I told my teacher I wanted to compete at the 2012 olympics in London, and 6 years later I was.

5 tips for beginners:
- Be patient – It takes a lot of time and sometimes things are not going to move as fast as you like them to, but it will get there you just have to be patient.
- Have fun – you need to enjoy practising as this is the majority of any sport. You need to enjoy most aspects of the sport, if you do not enjoy practising or competing it is not going to last.
- Be determined – even though you enjoy the aspects of the sport there is going to be days or periods where you don’t feel like training but just stay in bed under a warm blanket. Then you need to be determined and do it anyways. Work is only hard when you do not want to do it, and hard work pays off so much more.
- Be organised – As an athlete you are going to spent a lot of time practising and often combined with study or a job, so you need to be able to organise your time very well and it will help you be more efficient. It is also important to balance your life so you have time to see your family and friends.
- Be humble – Be nice to people around you. No sport is a one person sport. You will need a great support system if you want to succeed, including family, coaches, team mates or training partners. If you work hard and are humble, people will be more willing to help you out, and the more help the better.
Full Interview Continued On Next Page
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