Ms. Namita Nayyar:
What inspired you to take up this sport?
Ms. Madeline Hills:
Inspiration presents to me in many different ways. I am driven to challenge myself to be the absolute best version of myself that I can be. I want to know that I have pushed the limits of what my body and mind are capable of.
I am constantly inspired by the team of people who work alongside me. My team, led by my husband and coach, desperately want me to achieve everything that I dream of. In moments of doubt, I draw on their commitment to and passion for my journey and I remind myself that I am not chasing this dream alone.
Ms. Namita Nayyar:
Introduce us to a day in the life of an athlete, preparing for the World Championships.
Ms. Madeline Hills:
My daily life has changed considerably over the last few months post Olympics. Leading in to Rio, I was juggling long days as a pharmacist with running miles in the morning and evening. Fortunately I have been able to shift my focus this year to running and so my day now allows for my body to recover (and to actually sit down!).
Ms. Namita Nayyar:
What exercises comprise your fitness regime or workout routine that you may like to share?
Ms. Madeline Hills:
No two days are the same, with training schedules varying throughout the week. Most days include two training sessions (usually two runs), totaling around 70miles of running per week. This includes a longer run, 2-3 intense training sessions and recovery runs. I’ll spend 2 sessions in the gym every week as well as some time in the pool.
My favorite training session would include longer efforts with short recoveries – 1mile x 5-6 (recovery 2 minutes) is my current favorite.
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