Lydia Rose Bright : Exceptionally Talented Actress Reveals her Workout, Diet and Beauty Secrets

Ms. Namita Nayyar: You have glowing skin and gorgeous hair.
Do you take some kind of skin treatment to keep it young and
glowing and secondly what you do to your hair to make them look
so stunning?
Ms. Lydia Rose Bright: Thank you very much! But I don't take
any skin treatments or hair supplements, just because of I'm not
a massive believer of taking supplements, I think that you can
find them in foods and I always think that's a lot healthier to
do. But I do have quite a lot of skin treatments, I have regular
facials. I'm a big believer in MK emporium facials. And yea I
think I do tend to look after my skin, I use my Skin Tone Cream
every night and Cult 51 twice a week.
And in regards to my hair, I do get my hair done at a salon
called 'Often' so I do them all the important treatments and I'm
a big fan of Moroccan oil treatments as well. So I try to look
after my skin and hair as much as possible, without taking
supplements. But I think it's all down to healthy lifestyle as
Ms. Namita Nayyar: You launched your very own TOWIE workout DVD
alongside Sam and Billie Faiers. Tell us about this endeavor of
Ms. Lydia Rose Bright: This is really fun actually, we got
approached to do this, must have been about 2 years ago now, and me,
Sam and Billie have always kind of been in into our fitness and
we've always been kind of quite like conscious and healthy and led
healthy lifestyles so when they approached us about doing this we
kind of really backing it and it was really fun kind of DVD and we
tried to make it really enjoyable, a bit more like dancing and so
far our audience, the TOWIE audience is young girls and they are
quite of a young age so I wanted it to be more enjoyable so we made
more like a dance workout but yea it was really really fun to do and
it really really worked cause training for it we found ourselves
getting a lot more toned and shedding a few pounds as well , it's
actually a really hard workout to do, so yea something I really
enjoyed and something I'll definitely love to do it in the future.
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