Namita Nayyar:
How your experience in health & wellness, education of Premier Training Personal Training course and background of many years in Professional Figure competitions has helped you in carving your present profession of being a fitness model and fitness expert?
Louise Rogers:
To be honest I am not sure my experience with Premier helped me that much… I did not feel overly confident after I had completed the course. My confidence in respect to my knowledge was gained through university and through the practical experience of working with other trainers and within various health clubs.
I do feel though that my experience of competing has helped me delve into fitness modelling. It has helped raise my profile and I’ve been fortunate enough to work with some amazing photographers, and gain sponsorship with some notable brands. Competing has taught me a lot… It has taught me that hard work and sacrifice will ultimately help you reach your goals, and the same goes for all other areas of my life. I apply the same principles.
Namita Nayyar:
Share your exercise routine that you do to maintain such a bikini perfect physique?
Louise Rogers:
When I look in my best condition I train twice daily – one session with weights and another focused on cardio. My routine as it stands is heavily focused on my glutes. I have been utilising high frequency training and I have found this to be highly effective in developing my glutes. My routine is as follows:
During these workouts if my goal is a lean physique I train at an intensive level, training as heavy as I can with shorter rest periods. I also utilise a variety of training methods including drop sets, supersets, time under tension etc. I also use a variety of sets and reps. I incorporate cardio sessions approximately 30 minutes 5 times per week… Although the most important aspect to get right if you’re aiming for a bikini physique is your diet. It must be clean, healthy and consistently good!
- Mon – Glutes & Shoulders
- Tues – Back & Biceps
- Weds – Quads & Glutes
- Thurs – Off
- Fri – Chest & Triceps
- Sat – Glutes& Hamstrings
- Sun – Cardio only.
Namita Nayyar:
What is your diet? Do you take a particular fixed regulated diet comprising of nutrients and vitamins to keep you in perfect health?
Louise Rogers:
My diet is actually much more liberal than it used to be. When I first started training I was very rigid and only followed very specific eating plans… These days I prefer to simply eat healthy and fresh foods.
I have tried every possible diet you can imagine and the one that works best, including during competition is always a diet that includes all food groups… I do not cut carbohydrates out as I suppose some might expect – I just monitor the variables in my diet and manipulate them to meet my goals.
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