Looking for ways to freshen up your look and shave off a few years? Here are four ways to look younger that don’t require a facelift or expensive and invasive surgical procedures — not that there’s anything wrong with a little nip and tuck! In fact, some plastic surgeons might recommend an overhaul to these areas to get the most from your cosmetic procedures.

Nourish Your Skin
You don’t have to undergo a knife to tighten your skin and reduce wrinkles and lines. Drier skin tends to show lines and wrinkles, and we all know that nothing makes us feel aged more than lines and dark spots in the face.
Protect against harmful UV rays: No matter what your age, race, or gender is, you should wear sunscreen to defend against harmful UV rays. MD Anderson recommends a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher applied at least 30 minutes before going outside. Not only is there a strong link between UV rays and skin cancer, but sun damage also prematurely ages the skin causing “liver” spots, dry leathery skin, and wrinkles.
Exfoliate regularly: Dry skin flakes and can make skin look and feel blotchy and uneven. It can also clog pores. Exfoliating every few days or weekly can remove those dead skin cells and even out your skin. For men who shave regularly, they’ve got this covered!
Cleanse gently: Add a soap-free facial cleanser to your skin-care regime that’s gentle enough to use twice a day. Soap dries out your skin, even ones that contain moisturizers.
Moisturize: Here’s where it gets a little more complicated. Skin needs different things at different stages of our lives. Your best bet for finding out what ingredients are best for you is to visit your dermatologist or licensed skin-care specialist. Generally, skincare routines should include (Source: Self):
● In your 20s: This decade is all about prevention. Use a moisturizer with sunscreen and consider adding over-the-counter retinol to promote collagen production.
● In your 30s: Continue your defense and add some reparative ingredients to your moisturizer. Use a moisturizer with sunscreen, antioxidants, and prescription-strength retinol (consult with a dermatologist).
● In your 40s: Add peptides, which stimulate collagen production, and keep up the sunscreen routine. Consider upping your retinol and adding an eye cream with emollients.
● 50 and older: Keep up the protective work with an SPF-fortified sunscreen and look for a ceramide moisturizer to help moisturize skin and prevent wrinkles.
Whiten Your Teeth
One of the most telling signs of age is the color of our teeth. As we age, the enamel on our teeth wears away, which makes them more prone to stains. If you smoke or use tobacco products, your tooth discoloration is likely worse. Also, some foods and beverages are well-known to discolor teeth — red wine, coffee, tea, and some fruits.
Adding a tooth whitening gel to your regular oral care routine can restore your smile’s youthfulness. Don’t settle for just any teeth whitening gel, though. Look for one that also remineralizes your teeth. This will help protect them from decay, as well as defend against stains.
Additionally, up to your oral care routine by rinsing after drinking and eating. If you don’t have a good mouthwash on hand — say you’re at brunch with friends — at a very minimum, swish in the bathroom with water for 30 seconds. That’ll help remove stain-promoting ingredients, as well as sugars and chemicals that bind to your enamel and wear them down.
Get a Good Night’s Sleep

Everyone knows how lack of sleep wears on their appearance, even after just one night. A restless night of sleep can leave you wondering who’s staring back at you in the bathroom mirror!
The American Academy of Sleep Physicians recommends at least 7 hours of sleep for adults. They cited a study that found that just one night of insufficient sleep can make your cells age faster. Another study reported in Science Daily found a link between poor sleep and skin aging.
If you suffer from insomnia or struggle to fall asleep or to stay asleep, it might be time for a doctor’s visit. Sometimes there are underlying health issues that contribute to sleep disruption.
You’ll find no shortage of books, apps, programs, gadgets, and devices designed to help people sleep better. Before investing in those resources, here are some tips for getting better sleep:
● Cut caffeine afternoon
● Don’t drink alcohol within 2 hours of going to bed
● Eliminate screen time within 1 hour of going to bed
● Exercise regularly, at least 20 minutes a day
● Drink plenty of water
● Put pets in their own bed (as hard as that may be!)
● Consider earplugs if you’ve got a snorer nearby
Wear Age Appropriate Makeup
Many beauty experts recommend that women “over a certain age” should give up black eyeliners, powder eyeshadows, and heavy glittery colors. Of course, you should wear what makes you feel comfortable and confident.
Makeup done well can shave years off your age. Done wrong, and it can add years.
If this is something that concerns you, consider treating yourself to a professional makeup session from a licensed aesthetician or skincare specialist. Many dermatologist offices employ these people, who are educated on products that are safe and effective for age-related concerns.
Here are some tips compiled from several sources on makeup tips for women over 40:
● Focus on brows, but avoid colored-in cartoonish looks
● Use a primer under your foundation, and update the color as skin tones change as we age
● Lighten up on the concealer so it doesn’t accumulate in wrinkles
● Go lighter on eye makeup, more natural tones
● Avoid under-eye heavy eyeliner
The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.