Namita Nayyar:
If you were given a choice to change one thing about your life what would that be?
Lolo Jones:
Well hello I’ve been to three Olympics and I still don’t have a medal so I would definitely love to be an Olympic medalist and not hit that hurdle in 2008. Also nothing todo with athletics, I would love to be married, I would absolutely love to have. At the moment I’m thirty six, I’m in my mind thirties and I’m with all the girls out there, that are just absolutely frustrated of watching rom coms and not having their prince charming.
Namita Nayyar:
5 years from now, how do you picture yourself?
Lolo Jones:
I picture myself hopefully with an Olympic metal and more importantly a husband and a kid. And maybe doing something with TV.

Namita Nayyar:
You’ve spoken about pressures of looking good on track. How do you deal with them yourself?
Lolo Jones:
Physically I like to look sharp for races like I would never go to race with like a messy bun because I want to have confidence about me and so I mean I have a messy bun for practice but if I’m going to be at the track and going to be taking pictures before and after or if I’m going to be on television, I want my hair as slick back as possible I’m going to put a little eyeliner on too that means that fierce Tyra Banks’ look and I’m going to take care of business, but I mean obviously I’m not going to have as much make up on as going on a date but just a little bit of confidence if you like yes I came here and maybe my black eyeliner and sometimes when I’m wearing my lipstick its like my warrior paint but you know 2018 female version style.
Namita Nayyar:
You are an advocate for greater female participation in sport. What according to you are the challenges that sportswomen are facing these days?
Lolo Jones:
As we’re seen with women soccer and even WNBA players or speaking of having equal pay and I think I’m just you know really blessed in the fact that track and field has had equal pay for prize money for years. We may have not had good pay for appearance fees but that’s all done like under the table and out of sight.
Ever since I have been a track and field pro, if I go to a race, Usain Bolt gets the same amount of prize money as you know me or any of the girls competing. Now his appearance fees is insane but it is also based on other merits but now the public is seeing other sports and trying to make the right moves to make sure that female athletes are compensated equally as well
I think it is not just only getting females to participate in sports, I think as a whole society we’re having problems in getting people to be more active. Video games are more popular, a million people will login on a game, someone plays fortnight but it’s harder and harder to get people more active these days and so I’m trying to make sure that when I do stories, I’m doing lately a lot of challenges on my social media there are fun challenges but they’re also getting people up, getting them moving, they are getting them of their couch and they’re just getting active.
Namita Nayyar:
Message for our fans on Women Fitness’ 19th Anniversary.
Lolo Jones:
Well that’s huge! For women, she just should continue to strive, work hard and strive and have fun doing it
I feel way more powered as a female athlete, I don’t know what it is like to be a male but just knowing the stuff I have to deal with, there’s so many different elements, more hurdles that female athletes have to overcome or just women being active have to overcome, to get a workout in. We have extra hurdles that guy’s don’t even know we’re dealing with so I just say we’re just badass and we just need to keep having fun, keep striving and continue to just push the limits and push the boundaries. Personally I love watching women’s sports better than males because I just see the fiery personalities, never give up, hardworking just I mean women are just so amazing and I love it.
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