Namita Nayyar:
Most favourite memory from a Championship or Competition?
Lolo Jones:
I’d say any time you make it to an Olympic team it is just the happiest, it is literally the happiest moments of my life because I know that I’m about to go to represent the United States of America on the biggest stage possible and I don’t even how to put it in words how much joy floods in your body when you cross that finish line and know that you’re going to be going to an Olympic Games
Winning wise, I really like winning when the odds are stacked against me and everybody counted me out though those races are just, I mean it is not just to prove other people wrong or haters wrong, it’s that you did it, you overcame, you fought through it all even when people told you to quit and when you had so many doubts that you didn’t know if you could do it.
So that’s why I always encourage people when things look terrible keep fighting through because situations can change in a moment, you can go from last to first if you just keep plugging away.
Namita Nayyar:
How do you rejuvenate and relax your body?
Lolo Jones:
I love epsom salt bath after I travel. So travelling really stresses me out, some workouts do as well, so I buy huge like insanely big bags of epsom salts often, even though epsom salt is so heavy to carry from the grocery store but I just have them shipped to my house and I love epsom salt baths!

Namita Nayyar:
If not an athlete, what would you likely be?
Lolo Jones:
I would be a TV personality, I love entertaining people and I’m work on a few shows, I also like to do a lot of stuff on Instagram stories and I just like to make people laugh and entertain them.
Namita Nayyar:
What are your preparing for next?
Lolo Jones:
We’re two years out from Tokyo Olympics and this year’s a big year with World Championships being held in Doha so those are my goals and I am working very hard every day to have finish my career strong.
Namita Nayyar:
As an athlete, you are often pushed against grave circumstances like severe injuries. How do you deal with that?
Lolo Jones:
I would make sure to always have big goals and small goals and so after I had spine surgery, even though the Olympics were a year out from then and I was in a hospital bed and I couldn’t walk, my main goal was just go day by day. So the first ones like ok walk then we’re going to start rehab and then we’re going to just get stronger every day but I had the bigger picture of making it to the Olympic Team in the hindsight. I think a lot of times we put pressure on ourselves when we get injured that we’re going to be back in three months and then when we’re not back in three months then our whole system, our whole confidence just collapses and we might freak out or stress so then you have to go back to what can I do today to improve my situation for tomorrow.
I think one of the hardest injuries I ever had was a Achilles injury even over the spine surgery because achilles takes over a year to recover, and in my mind I had given myself a time limit of six months and then it ended up being over a year and I was very depressed during that time so I had to just focus on your achilles is injured what can I do now, I can do abs, I could do pool workouts.
So if your goal completely shatters, then you need to research and make smaller goals so that you’re still having confidence in achieving and you’re making a forward progress.
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