Namita Nayyar:
One training tip for bobsled newcomers.
Lolo Jones:
I would definitely say if you get motion sickness take a Dramamine before you go and for bobsled it is more about strength and it’s definitely more focused on wakes then running.
Namita Nayyar:
Is training for the Olympics any different from the other competitions?
Lolo Jones:
The main thing with the Olympics is the fact that it differs from other competitions, since other competitions happen more often so if you’re gonna run a marathon, you know that there’s going to be a marathon every year, the Olympics though is every four years. So if you’re sick the day that they have the Olympic trials or if you’re injured, then you have to wait for another four years. So basically the Olympics is just never guaranteed and that’s why it just makes it so special and I would just say that you honestly have to make sure everything is in line. I mean I know most people do that for their main competitions but I mean no stone can be over-looked, it’s just a constant. Make evaluation of everything and make sure that you were at your peak health, fitness, mental state for those competitions.

Namita Nayyar:
How do you boost your energy after a hectic workout session or run?
Lolo Jones:
The first thing I like to do after a workout is to make sure that I’m either having a protein shake or something to immediately help with recovery.If I know my legs are trashed from running, I try to make sure I do an ice cold bath situation to kind of rebound and those massage and acupuncture, all those things that health have recovery to help me get back my energy as soon as possible and if you are on a budget, do stretching. A lot of people don’t even stretch after a hard workout and then their body gets tired and they are drained for their next workout so there’s also hydration, that’s another free thing to do but you have to wait a little after hydration. I think you have to wait thirty minutes to rehydrate because actually drinking a ton of water immediately after can sometimes dehydrate you.
Namita Nayyar:
You hydrate your body with?
Lolo Jones:
Obviously water is number one. I’m a big fan of Pedialyte even though it’s crazy expensive and I don’t know how moms afford it. You could do the packets which are great to travel with for your competitions or you can just go and get the bottles. I’m a big fan of Pedialyte, also apple juice is number three on my list, just to get something in my system. And then another thing is pickles, I usually have pickles right after practise because they have high sodium and they help rehydrate you and they are delicious.
Namita Nayyar:
How do you like to spend your day off?
Lolo Jones:
I am a big fan of just completely vegging down on the couch and either watching Netflix, TV whatever some trashy Reality TV show with women and it’s amazing 90 Day Fiancé and Real Housewives, or if I’m watching TV shows, right now it’s Insecure or Succession or Game of Thrones.
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