Namita Nayyar:
What is your fitness plan for 2019? What are your business target as a contributor to the world of fitness?
For 2019 I want to have enough fitness plans available to suit everyone needs whether you’re working out from home, wanting to lose weight, gain weight or focus on cardiovascular health. These plans shall be affordable and easy to follow along. No matter who you are and what your goals are, you should feel that I got your back! I’ve also been given the opportunity to work closely and help develop the fitplan app (where my fitness programs are today) which I’m very thankful for and I’ll listen to my clients and from there we will develop fitplan into the best workout app that exist!
Namita Nayyar:
How much do you enjoy being one of Fitplan’s top trainers? Why should one must give it a try?
I absolutely love it! Fitplan is an app where you’ll find 100’s of workout plans so theres no question you’re gonna find something that works for you on there and you’ll never feel bored working out! It’s very affordable and I hope the fitplan team gets to go out on expo’s in 2019 so we get a chance to meet you and talk about our plans! Excuse all my !exclamation marks! but talking about this makes me so excited!
Namita Nayyar:
In 2014, you were diagnosed with Lymphoma which is a blood cancers diagnos. What measures did you take to fight it out? According to you how should one cope with such challenges in life?
Being diagnosed with cancer is heartbreaking. I had to hit rock bottom before I could turn around and fight my way back to the top. Other than getting surguery, chemo and radiation I made sure to keep my body in as good condition as possible in form of good nutrition and rest. I lost my appetite because of depression and therefor I also lost a lot of weight. To deal with that I started doing smoothies to drink at my 8h weekly chemo sessions so I fed my body at all time. My tips to anyone going through cancer with the loss of appetite is to drink your calories, it saved my life! You can mix your favourite veggies and fruit with a bit of cream to get those very well needed calories. For me it was tough because I felt like my body failed me and it took me time to realise I needed to be nice to my body and help it get through these dark times and brutal medications so nutrition was a turning point. When I started gainig some weight back I dealt with the heavy medication better and I didn’t felt as tired as before. The minute my doctor told me I could be around people again I started going back into the gym. Ofcourse very short and light sessions but I was back! And that boosted my confidence, even though my sweaty wig was itchy to the point it drove me nuts, haha!

Namita Nayyar:
Tips for cancer survivors or let’s say those suffering from any health issue who wish to live a healthy life?
I think you have to accept the illness you’re dealing with to be able to fight it. It’s a part of you but it’s NOT who you are. Stress less, allow you to sleep/rest more, work out at the pace that fits you and fuel your precious body with all the best nutrients because it’s the only body you have! Don’t force yourself into doing things you don’t like. For example if you hate walking the treadmill in the gym but you love playing football with your kids, PLAY! Im a firm believer that happiness has a lot to do with our health. Smile more!
Namita Nayyar:
Your first meal to kick start a day?
For as long as I can remember, oatmeal! Preferably with fresh berries. Sometimes I even make myself a green juice, thats what I call luxury, haha!
Namita Nayyar:
Foods you find hard to resist? How far should women indulge in following a strict diet?
I don’t think you should resist any foods (if you’re not allergic). Everything in moderation! People say to me ”Oh I messed up everything, I had a slice of pie this weekend!” I tell them, do you remember the first time you had a salad? Did that change the way you look immediately? No. Just as a salad won’t make you lose weight in a heartbeat, the slice of pie won’t mess up anything!
I think its dangerous to be too strict with your diet. That will only make you want what you can’t have even more. Enjoy everything in moderation. Feeling bad because you missed a workout or had dessert is the worst thing you can do to yourself. If you’re gonna treat yourself you better enjoy it – haha! Again, your mind plays a huge roll in your wellbeing. Be kind to yourself.
The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.