Instagram star Linn Lowes is known for her inspirational and motivational social media presence. She often posts about lifestyle, fitness, and specific diet plans.
She contracted lymphoma when she was 26 years old. This inspired her to pursue health and fitness as her career, to help people “realize just how important fitness and health really are.”
Women Fitness President, Namita Nayyar, joins the Instagram star for an interesting chat about how she grew her Insta empire and how she wishes to inspire more and more people!
Namita Nayyar:
Today you are a popular certified Personal Trainer and Nutrition Adviser. What motivated you towards the world of fitness?
Linn lowes:
Growing up I was very skinny. I remember being 13 years old standing in line with my whole family at Disney World and a man tapped my grandpa on his shoulder telling him that his grand daughter should eat more. Those words stuck with me and I still think about them today. I’ve always been somewhat active with snowboarding and horseback riding but it took me some time to really build up confidence to enter the gym. I first started to go with friends for a little cardio but it wasn’t until my boyfriend introduced me to weight lifting that I really fell in love with everything fitness did to me from the inside out. I decided early that fitness is something I want to continue with and I wanted to educate myself more and get certified to help others.

Namita Nayyar:
You run the highly successful online fitness brand, Lowes Active. How did the idea of having your own brand come into existence? Where do you see it in the next 2 years?
linn lowes:
Lowes Active started out as me wanting to create my own active wear line because I could not find clothing that fitted me in terms of showing off those hard earned muscles I worked on for so long. Everything I putted on only made me look thinner. Working with fabrics and different collaborations for years I understood that this journey was going to be long and tough so I changed focus to online training and kept the active wear running a bit behind the scenes. Lowes Active in form of a training community has really blown my mind! Thousands of women have joined me on this journey that I now call…life. I’m forever thankful and motivated my girls who get up, show up and kicks ass in the gym!
In two years I’ll have my active wear out there available for everyone who wants to show off their bodies no matter what size, instead of suffocating in compression clothing, haha. My online fitness community will keep on growing and I want to set up more events/meet-ups so I get a chance to meet and greet these beautiful souls I’ve had the pleasure working out with online. I will also dig deeper into nutrition and hopefully have my own nutrition app!
Full Interview Continued On Next Page
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