Namita Nayyar:
In February 2013, you were diagnosed with skin cancer. How have you been able to battle this life-threatening disease? A message for those out there who are facing cancer?
I should have read this question before I answered the last one!!! Unfortunately I have very fair skin and chose a sporting career at an early age where being exposed to the sun was part of the job description. I actually expected to get skin cancer under the conditions these sporting conditions, but even then it was a shock at the time and I was very lucky that my doctor discovered the cancer in it’s infancy. It was safely removed and I had not further problems from this incident. For me, early detection and being proactive about sun protection is the only way to combat future skin cancers. Unfortunately my mother’s doctor did not remove all of a skin cancer she was diagnosed with a couple of years ago, and she ended up having almost the entire skin removed from her left shin that required a skin graft and 9 months of painful healing. This was a HUGE lesson to me to be even more aware of sun protection and early detection.
Namita Nayyar:
Resolutions or goals for 2020? Motivational quote you live by?
Live by choice, not by chance. People get caught up in the “poor me” mentality and think they can have a great life because they have very little means or recourses. But if there is anything I have learnt after meeting people from all walks of life is that we all deal with the same shit. The only difference is how we respond. Money does’t make us rich or poor…….our choices do.
Namita Nayyar:
Three things that thrill you the most and the three things that scare you?
I love trying new things. I took up snowboarding as a 40 year old. Besides being the hardest sport to learn, pointing that board down an icy slope was one of the scariest, yet most exhilarating things I have ever done. Now I am learning to wake surf, which is not quite as scary but equally rewarding when you can actually figure it out! I also have always loved riding my bike. I probably take too many risks when descending, but it’s such an amazing feeling to feel the wind blowing by while navigating turns. I put these two things, scare and thrill together, because anything that scares me, is also thrilling and there is nothing that make me feel more alive!
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