Namita Nayyar:
Three components that are a must in a fitness regime to prevent injury? 5 exercises to build full body strength and can be followed even while travelling?
Strength, flexibility and massage. I recommend incorporating each one of these into a training plan at least once per week. 5 exercises I like include:
- crab walks with an exercise band
- clams with an exercise band
- single leg squats
- plyometric step jumps (double leg or single for more advanced)
- planks (holding 10-60sec depending on ability)
Namita Nayyar:
Define Women Fitness website for our viewers.
Women inspiring, empowering and motivating other women.
Namita Nayyar:
As a sportswoman, what skincare and hair care routine do you follow to combat the stress of the sport? 5 skin care tips we often tend to ignore but should follow at any age?
I do not have a routine as such, but every morning I apply sunscreen and I always have a hat, sunglass and spare sunscreen in my car. I’ve been exposed to the elements for over 20 years as an athlete, and I do have signs of skin damage and I did have a skin cancer removed a few years ago. I love being in the sun, so I do not want to stop, but protecting my skin is very important to me. My 5 tips:
- Apply sunscreen every day, even if you are not out in the sun, you can get exposed to UVA & UVB rays when you are sitting indoors or driving in your car.
- Moisturize daily. I don’t spend a lot of money on expensive brands, as essentially all moisture creams do the same thing.
- Wear a hat. There are some cool hats these days so have fun with it. I have about 20 different hats that I switch out daily. Be subtle or make statement, but the ultimate goal is to keep the sun off your face and neck.
- Avoid doing an outdoor workout between the hours of 10am – 2pm when sun is at it’s strongest.
- Get your skin checked by a reputable dermatologist at least once a year. I get checked twice as I have had a skin cancer in the past which makes it more likely that I will have another.
The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.