Namita Nayyar:
During high school, you were an active athlete. You used to play sports from softball, swimming, and basketball to field hockey, cross country, and volleyball. What exercises comprise your fitness regime or workout routine you may wish to share?
Kourtney Reppert:
I got into the weight room, and that’s where the magic happened for me. It does something mentally, where you begin to look at things differently. Your body feels pain, and yet it rebuilds itself. I also had a pitching coach since the age of 12, and I just loved being active. I was a very hyperactive kid, and I think my parents felt relieved when I was playing something. Every season I played a sport. I loved it, I love being active and to be honest, sports are genuinely what helped me become a better adult, and a healthier one at that. I leave it all up to my trainer when I get into the gym. I like being bossed around or told what to do in the gym. However, when I can’t get into the workout, I love going on long hikes with resistance bands, or a weight jacket. Anything to keep my heart rate up and provide a good resistance at the same time!
Namita Nayyar:
Do you take some special diet or have a strict menu that you follow to remain healthy and physically fit?
Kourtney Reppert:
Oh yes, I am very much on a strict diet. I don’t think that will ever change because of my food allergies, but I love food. I have experimented a lot with my diet, and I have found that meal prepping works best for me. Icon meals are my absolute favorite brand that I get. The food is beyond delicious, and I love that it comes with all the macros already measured and printed out with your name on it. I feel like even though they are delivered to me, and I have picked them out, they are just specially made for me. I have been with Icon Meals for over a year, and to me, it’s the best quality and morally ethical company out there.
Namita Nayyar:
You have glowing skin and gorgeous hair. Share with us your hair care and skincare routine.
Kourtney Reppert:
You only see what I want you to see, but the ones closest to me will tell you that I struggle with my skin. I have self-taught myself over the years about aesthetics because I never had the best skin growing up. I struggle with food allergies. When you have a profession wearing enormous amounts of makeup in miserable weather for hours at a time, it can become a never-ending vicious cycle of maintaining good skin. So, I have to always stay on top of it, and it’s still a struggle. Over time, I hope I can open up on my acne, psoriasis, and allergic reactions I have dealt with over the years. I have been loyal to getting facials by John Tew at Dr. Motykie’s office here in Los Angeles. My basic staples are this, I try to drink as much water as I can, wash my face twice a day, take vitamin A, collagen, and turmeric to help with any inflammation. I also see my hair girl about once a month for conditioning treatments in between colors.
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