Namita Nayyar:
Your favorite cheat meals that you can’t resist? 2 Supplements you have tried and found good?
Kimmi Yanez:
My all time favorite cheat meal is a huge juicy steak dinner with butter rolls and BBQ sauce. I personally love Yohimbine, it’s a natural fat burner that I take prior to my workout, it helps me sweat more and has sped up my weight loss. Another supplement I love is turmeric, whether I’m sprinkling it on my food, or taking a capsule, I found that it speeds up my recovery time and in the long run, will help my joints so I can continue weight lifting for a longer period of time.
Namita Nayyar:
You have a big fan following on Instagram, what do you think motivates people to follow you?
Kimmi Yanez:
I think the reason why people follow me is because I try to be as transparent as possible online. I make it known that I’m a regular person like everyone else who has hardships and didn’t just wake up with a nice body, I try to show my progress with old pictures and I offer fitness tips on my page.

Namita Nayyar:
Your favorite activewear brands are?
Kimmi Yanez:
My favorite activewear brands are: Calia by Callie Underwood, CL’s sportswear, and Better Bodies.
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