Namita Nayyar
Diet you live by and recommend women to follow to stay healthy and fit?
Kayla Harrison
My motto is good, healthy, wholesome food. I don’t have a super strict diet, but I’m not eating anything processed or frozen. Everything is found at the edge of the grocery store – a lot of greens, proteins and healthy starches. My #1 rule for staying healthy and fit is everything in moderation. If I want a cookie, I’ll have a cookie, I just won’t eat the whole bag!
Namita Nayyar
Why women need to come out and participate in sports and arenas of life in this male-dominated world?
Kayla Harrison
I view that as a flawed question. My mindset is, if you want to do something, you should do it. I don’t care if you’re a man or woman, boy or girl, old or young, if you have a goal or dream or something you are inspired to do, I encourage you to go out and do it. It just so happens that I love fighting. I love punching people in the face. I love throwing people. I love putting people in arm bars. I don’t think of it as I’m a woman in a man’s world, I look at it as this is my world and I’m going to own it.

Namita Nayyar
Who is your role model?
Kayla Harrison
There are so many. Coach Jimmy Pedro has always been a big role model in my life, I’ve always wanted to emulate him. He’s one of the most successful Judo fighters the U.S. has ever had, he’s a successful businessman, has a beautiful family, he’s one of the happiest guys I know, he’s very driven and goal oriented…to me he is a picture of happiness.
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