Namita Nayyar:
Share your exercise routine to maintain the agility and flexibility of a dancer and also handle the stress factors? 5 must-do mornings stretches?
Karen Hauer:
I don’t do the same thing all the time. I think it’s important because it means your body and muscles have variation and time to recover as well as the mental aspect. You don’t want to be doing the same thing over and over, you will get bored and likely stop feeling excited about the prospect of working out.
Namita Nayyar:
Introduce us to a day in your life of Karen?
Karen Hauer:
It completely depends on the time of year. If I am on tour, it can be arriving at a venue, rehearsals, the show, and then travelling onto the next venue or home. If I am doing Strictly it will be full days of rehearsals with my celebrity in a studio during the week before we move onto the TV studio for studio rehearsals and then the live TV day is always a whirlwind of activity building up to the performance.
At the moment, we are in lockdown in London during the Coronavirus pandemic so my days are very different to usual; I’ve never spent so much time at home! Together with my Strictly colleague and friend Oti Mabuse and our partners, David Webb and Marius Iepure, we created Home Festival and we are running online classes for people to follow at home on Instagram, Facebook and YouTube. I personally am running two kinds of classes; a high energy HIIT style class and an evening stretch. I’m getting a lot of fulfilment during these days and it’s giving structure during an uncertain time.
Namita Nayyar:
Your meal before and after a workout would be?

Karen Hauer:
I always listen to my body when it comes to how I eat and I eat whatever it’s telling me I need to eat. I eat pretty simple, whole nutrient dense foods, but I always love my bagels and doughnuts! I don’t deny myself a treat if I want it.
Namita Nayyar:
Favorite meal of the day?
Karen Hauer:
I love food, I mean, I LOVE FOOD. So every meal is my favourite at that time!
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