Namita Nayyar:
You are a world-leading media personality, glamour model, fashion model, and brand ambassador. How do you manage such a remarkable multi-dimensional lifestyle?
Jenna Bentley:
I do many things, but I manage it all by simply taking one step at a time. I set a goal or start a project and see it through until completion, then move on to the next. I also work hard and will work whatever hours I need to. With regards to my career choices, I try not to focus too much on what others think of me because it’s impossible to make everyone happy.
I constantly evolve, take leaps of faith and do whatever I want to do when it comes to my career. I’m mentally strong and make things happen with sheer determination and focus. If you really want something, don’t take no for an answer, never give up!

Namita Nayyar:
What exercises comprise your fitness regime or workout routine you may wish to share?
Jenna Bentley:
For years, I used to do an hour of cardio daily to stay in shape but I eventually hit a plateau, it happens more as you get older. I realised I had to change up my exercise regime and also start making better choices with my food/diet. If you hit a plateau, try something else! And, as long as you eat healthy, you will be fine.
During Covid-19, it’s been hard to get to the gym for weight training, but I have 5lb free weights and an elliptical trainer at home and use those instead. I do squats, lunges and bicep curls using the weights and use the elliptical machine for cardio.
Namita Nayyar:
Do you take some special diet or have a strict menu that you follow to remain healthy and physically fit?
Jenna Bentley:
Six years ago, I made the decision to start making healthy choices with my diet to help maintain my figure and improve my health. This includes things such as drinking water instead of alcohol when I go out for dinner. If I eat pizza, I won’t have dessert – or if I eat a salad, I’ll treat myself to a small bowl of ice-cream.
I always balance what I eat and only eat the “bad” stuff in moderation, but I never deprive myself because it’s unnecessary. Following fad diets or starving yourself is a recipe for disaster; it doesn’t work and is unhealthy for both the mind and body. Do everything in moderation and maintain a healthy lifestyle that’s balanced and you will look and feel great!
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