Namita Nayyar:
With the postponement of the Olympic games until 2021 due to the coronavirus outbreak. Your message to other players to handle the disappointment?
Jenn Suhr:
The disappointment of the postponement of the 2020 Olympic Games has to be kept in perspective. While we all have trained and have gotten ready we must understand that the Games aren’t cancelled but postponed for another year. We get to compete again next year (it might not be ideal for some) but we still have an opportunity. COVID-19 has cost some people their lives, their jobs, their income…when you step outside of your box and you look at the bigger picture that is the best way to deal with the disappointment of postponement.
Namita Nayyar:
You are the current Indoor World Record Holder, your word of advice for beginners and young girls aspiring to participate in this sport.
Jenn Suhr:
One of the things I like to share when other athletes encourage is to try something you have always wanted to try. I don’t care the age either. I started at 22! People think to be an Olympian you need to be having begun in elementary and middle school and instantly they are turned off. I see athletes get discouraged because they think it’s too late. I was not a gymnast, I didn’t have a diving background, I played basketball, softball and dabbled in a lot of other sports like volleyball, golf and soccer. I am a huge believer in playing multiple sports as it helps build your mental and it teaches you other motor patterns one dimensional athlete miss. Plus, how would you ever know what you like or what you are good at if you never try!
Namita Nayyar:
Share a few words about the website Womenfitness.net and message for our visitors?
Jenn Suhr:
What I like about WomenFitness.Net is the easy navigational access. The layout makes it easy to distinguish the articles you are interested in by giving a quick breakdown in the description. No matter what someone is going through and what they are trying to change or even start, you have to realize it doesn’t happen overnight. Sometimes it takes a few weeks to see results and it takes a few more weeks to make it habit. Don’t give up too early!
Jenn Suhr social media presence
This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar President womenfitness.net and should not be reproduced, copied or hosted in part or full anywhere without an express permission.
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