(Common names: Toothache tree, American prickly ash)
Prickly ash is used as a remedy for upset stomach, sore throats, aching muscles, skin infections, to stimulate saliva flow, and various other conditions. The bark was also widely used by herbalists to treat rheumatic conditions. 3 Prickly ash is also considered an alterative in traditional herbalism, meaning it enhances the body’s ability to fight against and recover from all manner of difficulties.
Prickly ash bark contains alkaloids and a volatile oil. The fruit is rich in the volatile oil.
Since it stimulates digestive function, prickly ash should best be avoided in conditions such as ulcerative colitis, peptic ulcer disease, or gastroesophageal reflux. Some herbal experts suggest that prickly ash be avoided by pregnant women because it may stimulate menstruation and increase risk of a miscarriage.