You’re flicking through socials, you see the perfect bum, and you wonder how she has achieved such a shapely booty. Next, you ask yourself, how can I sculpt mine like that at home?
We’ve got the answer for you in this easy-to-follow guide. We’ll give you tips and techniques with a simple set of Dumbbells to give you that round butt.
An easy-to-follow guide for growing your glutes
What’s required is a heavy set of Dumbbells, as heavy as you feel comfortable with. A selection is better, so you can adjust if needs be. If you do not have a suitable selection or are in the market for a dumbbell package, Mirafit can help.
Equipment: Dumbbells (A pair is best).
Guide weight: 5kg +
TIP – Remember to warm up.
TIP – Do not overwork yourself for the first few sessions.
TIP – Perform the movement without weight a few times to get a feel for the movement.
TIP – Hydrate throughout and after exercise.
Instructions: Follow this guide and adjust it to suit your health and physicality. Remember, everyone is different. Listen to your body and exercise safely. If in doubt, speak with a professional such as a personal trainer. YouTube is also a great place to look if you need clarification about any exercises described in this guide.
This guide assumes that you will perform these exercises 2-3 times weekly and increase the intensity as you feel comfortable. If you have any concerns about your ability to perform these tasks, you should test without weight and not over-extend until you are confident.
*This guide assumes that you have warmed up appropriately.
Please consider warming up these areas.
- Glutes
- Hamstrings
- Thighs
- Lower back & core
- Calf muscles
- Loosen shoulders and neck
Five Glute Exercises
These five glute exercises will help you to engage your glute muscles and build shape and tone. Building a well-rounded sculpted result. Use each exercise to tone different aspects of the glute. We have arranged them in an order that should help provide some rest time for key muscles in between workouts.
One – Pulsing Sumo Squat (Single Dumbbell)
How: Choose a weight that is heavy but comfortable. Stand with your legs hip-width apart. You should be holding the Dumbell at shoulder height near your collarbone. Next, bend your knees as you go into a seated position moving your hips back and your legs out to the traditional sumo position. Do not round your back; keep your back straight and engage your core.
Works: Quadriceps, hamstrings, gluteus muscles, adductors (inner thighs), calves, and hip flexors.
Recommended: 8-10 Reps
Two – Loaded Glute Bridges (Single Dumbbell)
How: Choose a weight that is heavy but comfortable. Lay on the floor with your shoulders planted firmly on the ground.
Unloaded – With your legs hip-width apart, thrust your hips to the ceiling, squeezing your glutes as you raise your hips, do this a few times to warm muscles and focus on your form.
Loaded – Repeat as above with the weight of your choice. 10,15 or 20kgs would be ok. Your core is vital, so use a sensible weight that requires some effort.
Works: Hamstrings, lower back, abs, in addition to the glutes
Recommended: 8-10 Reps
Three – Bulgarian Split Squat (Single Dumbbell)
How: This is a squat variation where one leg is placed on a surface (behind you), such as a chair or a bench, and then you complete a single-leg squat. The raised leg will use the front of the quad to stabilize you, and the bulk of the effort is run through the supporting leg. The Dumbbell is held at collarbone height in front of you.
Works: Quads, Glutes, Hamstrings, Calves, Core, including abdominals and spinal erectors
Recommended: 8-10 Reps (Each Leg)
Four – Curtsy Squat (Both or Single Dumbbell)
How: If using both Dumbbells, these are held to a 90º elbow lock, but if you would like to use a single weight (recommended), then this should be brought to the center chest position (praying position) as the exercise is performed. Draw one leg back behind the supporting leg so one is in front of the other. The rear leg should be in line with your front leg. Do not over-extend this exercise, as it can pull your knee and damage you. This is an easy squat to perform wrongly. Please ensure that you keep your waist and hips facing forward. The twist comes from the nominated leg reaching back and behind you.
This is a good exercise because it develops the mid-glute (the outside of your glute), which will result in elevating the more pronounced shape. In addition, it uses quadriceps, glutes, hamstrings, and calves.
Works: Quads, Glutes, Hamstrings, and Calves.
Recommended: 8-10 Reps (Each Leg)
Five – Eccentric Deadlifts (Both Dumbbells)
How: Start with feet centered under your hips and Dumbbells at your feet in front of you. Then, depending on your flexibility, place your Dumbbells on the floor just to the outside of your leg positions or on a weight bench to raise them slightly.
Nominate a leg and lean forward, lifting the other leg from the hip in a scissor action. This exercise is good because it provides focused lifting on each cheek in isolation. It is also good for working multiple muscles at once because you are stabilizing your body through the supporting leg, back, and, of course, glute.
Recommended: 8-10 Reps (Each Leg)
Works: Hamstrings, Back, and Glutes.
How can exercises grow my Glutes?
Completing exercises, in general, will help to tone and build your glutes. The five recommended activities in this guide used Dumbbells and were explicitly designed to help develop your glute muscles using additional weight. Please follow these exercises to build your glute muscles; the more you put in, the more you will get out.
When you become more comfortable with the five exercises, switch them up, rotate them, and increase the reps to 12+, which is not recommended before session four.
Final thoughts
So if you want a peachy bum for the summer, it could be just five exercises away from being a reality. Never neglect the benefit of a good walk to supplement these exercises. We hope that this easy-to-follow guide has been practical. Remember to hydrate and stretch after your routine and enjoy yourself. Weighted squats of any type are superb for glute development.
The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.