Ms. Namita Nayyar:
For the past two years and until now, you kept your celebrity father, the Golden Globe-nominated actor Lou Diamond Phillips, a secret as you built your modeling career all by yourself. Why did you feel the need to hide it? What motivated you to talk about it now?
Ms. Gracie Phillips:
My father’s identity wasn’t necessarily a secret, it just wasn’t something that I talked about. When I started modeling, I wanted to do it all on my own as Gracie Phillips- not Lou Diamond Phillips daughter Gracie Phillips. I wanted to start my career based off of who I was and what I had to offer. Once I proved to myself that I could and I did, I was more open to discussing my family and my background.
Ms. Namita Nayyar:
You joined your father in front of the camera early on, starring in a Hallmark film, but then shifted towards modeling. Why did you make this shift, also, how have you been able to create a balance between your personal and professional life?
Ms. Gracie Phillips:
When I was younger, I was always on set with my dad and viewed it as something that he did. I enjoyed acting and being on set, but most times I was hanging out behind the scenes and not in front of the camera. I started school and was very focused on finishing that, which is part of why acting was put to the side. I started modeling towards the end of my junior year and have recently thought about getting back into acting. Modeling for me is another place I can showcase my personality and creative side and although I haven’t been acting, it is something I have thought about getting back into. I create a healthy balance between my personal and professional life by keeping them separate. Yes modeling is what I do, but it is not the only thing I am passionate about. I think it’s very healthy to be passionate about other things and I often take advantage of the free time that I have to pursue these things and spend time with the people I care about.
Ms. Namita Nayyar:
To maintain a fit and healthy body, working out is of prime importance. Unfold the exercises that comprise your fitness regime on a daily basis? Share your 5 favorite exercises while traveling.
Ms. Gracie Phillips:
In my profession, maintaining a healthy body and staying active is key. My workout routine varies but consists of boxing, Pilates, or simple weight training to tone different parts of my body. Boxing and Pilates are both full body workouts that I love. I enjoy boxing and take my classes with Rob Gooch at GTA (Gooch Training Academy) where I am taught not only how to properly box but also how to be strong in mind, body, and soul. While traveling, I do simple weight training or workouts on the floor of my hotel room such as abs or booty workouts.
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