Single leg ballet kicks
What it does: Creates long, lean hamstrings and a perky butt.
How to do it: Start by correcting your posture, drawing your belly into your spine while finding something straight ahead to focus on with your eyes. Keeping your chest up and shoulders back, bring one hand down to touch the opposite toe, staying perfectly aligned and getting the back leg as high as you can.
Do it right: Your aim is to get maximum stretch down the hamstring of your standing leg. This exercise is to be performed slowly and with lots of control. With practice this exercise produces amazing results.
Lower half lunge
What it does: These lunges will have your legs burning while forcing your glutes to contract without rest, targeting several muscle groups simultaneously and elevating your heart rate.
How to do it: Start in a lunge position with your back knee on the ground.
Keeping your chest up, torso straight and belly pinned to the spine, bring your knee off the ground until you’re halfway up. Then go back to the ground. Do it right:
Do 15 pulses each leg and perform slowly for best results.
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