Namita Nayyar:
In December 2017 ‘The Derwael/Fenton’ was added to the Code of Points for the uneven bars by the International Gymnastics Federation. The element was first performed by Fenton and Belgian gymnast Nina Derwael at the 2017 World Championships in Montreal, QC, Canada. It’s a powerful technique that involves crossing hands as they catch and release the high bar while twisting in mid-air. Now the move is in the gymnastics code of points, so others can replicate it and be awarded points for it in their routines – It is a great “honor” bestowed on you. Tell us more about this?
Georgia-Mae Fenton:
So I first started working the skill in 2016 it took a long time to get it consistent and the connection out of it, we didn’t really realize that no one had done it before so it was super exciting and the first time I did it in a major competition. I wasn’t thinking about it potentially being named after me I just wanted to do a good routine. It really is ahonor to be in the code of points and have my own skill as that will stay in there forever.
Namita Nayyar:
You have done bold photo shoots with Agent Provocateur. How you are so body confident and advice to your compatriots?
Georgia-Mae Fenton:
I think the main thing is to love yourself and appreciate what you have got. I’ve worked hard since I was 7 years old to be physically fit and I’m proud of that. No one is you and that is your talent.
Namita Nayyar:
What do you wish to say about the website and message for its visitors?
Georgia-Mae Fenton:
Women Fitness is a great platform of information specific to women’s needs and a good way to keep women involved in their health and fitness journeys and empower them to be great.
Namita Nayyar:
Today social media plays a vital role in putting your message across to your followers and fans. You have recently launched a new fitness page Tell us more about this endeavor of yours?
Georgia-Mae Fenton:
Yes I have just launched my new page, the aim is to give some insight into my life as a elite athlete for example my training regime, what I like to eat and a chance to share some workouts I do. I would love to help the younger generation of gymnasts with advice and what motivates me. It’s a tough sport, it is beautiful to watch the artistry and skills working together.
Georgia-Mae Fenton Social Media Presence
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This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar President and should not be reproduced, copied or hosted in part or full anywhere without an express permission.
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