Namita Nayyar:
You are the creator of HIGHX Training and joined forces with Lifeline® December of 2014 to launch a new HIGHX™ program worldwide. Tell us more about this endeavor of yours.
Gabrielle Reece:
I really love HIGHX. It was born out of a system of workouts that I put together for the community of Kauai.
HIGHX is a circuit that combines cardio, strength, balance and a little bit of flexibility. It enables a large amount of people to workout together and provide accountability. I put people on teams to enable the large group I had attending. These groups for example, could have a team full of highly fit 30 year-old men being followed by a group of 60 something old women. It keeps you continuously moving from station to station and as the instructor I can walk around and correct form and things like that versus standing at the front saying follow me in this choreographed move.
HIGHX was born out the thought process “I don’t know what to do, I don’t have time, I can’t afford an expensive workout, I get bored”. So this workout was the perfect solution.
Namita Nayyar:
Advice and motivational words to the inspiring and budding female volleyball players who all are your fans, they shall like to know from you, what they should do for their climb to ladder of success in this field?
Gabrielle Reece:
I try not to tell anyone, give them so much advice but I will say this and it’s true to anything we want to pursue in life. First of all get really grounded in your reasons why, so if you love something or it brings you great joy or it’s just a calling whatever it is, I think, that first build your desire to pursue something, on something that’s real so that on the days that it sucks you have that to lean on, because there are just as many challenging days as there are glorious days.
I would say that and that everything is hard work so not to be afraid of that and just expect that, don’t be surprise, don’t cry, when it gets hard, understand it’s hard, it’s all hard and when a coach tells you something if you can remember in that moment, hey all they’re trying to do is to make me better,
the other thing I learned especially as a female athlete is don’t take anything personal, it’s really important and it’s hard when you combine taking things personal in a competitive environment.
So the sooner we can get rid of that as female athletes, it certainly would serve the athlete in us even greater. So I think hard work and knowing this is really important and you know what if let’s say you started later and you’re not as talented as someone else, you are not as tall or whatever, don’t limit yourself. There is division two and three schools and what I really got from volleyball, even I played in division one school and professional, it had nothing to do with the size of school I was in and had to do with that I learned how to achieve a common goal with people, I learned how to succeed or I learned how to fail, win and lose, I learned how to work hard and believe in myself. These are the things that we really get from sport more than, I played at the UCLA or the Olympics, that is also a part of it but the realest part you can get just by participating.
Namita Nayyar:
What do you wish to say about the website Womenfitness.net and message for its visitors?
Gabrielle Reece:
When I think about fitness and women, I guess that at the end of the day, it always comes down to we invest so much in our hair and makeup and nails and clothing and then I just can’t think of a more important, fundamental investment in ourselves than our health and wellbeing. It’s not just about the aesthetics, again it goes back to the real reasons so I think that if women can do that for the reasons also beyond how they’re looking because they will be more productive, they will have more energy and be more efficient and effective and all these other things and they probably will look better, but it’s really seeing the value in that investment, in themselves and taking that at time for themselves to train, to eat well and sometimes we have to give ourselves a break like if you just had a baby, three days before, it’s ok, you’re recovering will get there. I think, the other thing I would say is also to really help one another, just to support each other and don’t be threatened by the other women’s greatness around you.
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