Gabriela Panduru is a Romanian born, bikini athlete, fitness model, fashion model, fashion blogger, fashion writer and successful publicist who lives in New York City. Modeling for the hottest designers on the runaway, in print and photoshoots with the top photographers in the country. Gabriela love to represent the best in industry. Being a successful publicist she work with many successful designers, last two years at Couture Fashion week, NY fashion week represent talented designer: Alexandra Popescu -York Couturewhi is also her great friend!
You can see Gabriela at the most important events in NY, working charity or covering the fashion and social scene for her blog: GabrielaLoveWorld or for the fashions magazine she write for: Billie Blunt Magazine, DMochelle Magazine… When she is not working in fashion you can find her in a gym, preparing for her fitness competitions or walking her dog Titos in the park!
Gabriela Panduru is exceptionally beautiful, talented and accomplished model & professional bikini competitor. She is in conversation with Namita Nayyar, President Women Fitness.
Ms. Namita Nayyar: You must have had interest in sports and physical activities since childhood. Later you were encouraged & motivated to compete in fitness competitions. You reached the pinnacle of success by winning many professional bikini competitions including 2015 NPC Tri-State Championships in Masters over 35. Tell us about your journey that took you to the the world of fitness and as a winner in Professional Bikini competitions?
Ms. Gabriela Panduru: Thank you Woman Fitness for having the pleasure to seat down with you and spread my message of health and fitness. I was always in love with being active, playing handball and track runner in high school and then, first time I step in a gym I was hooked and it become a lifestyle for me, at that time in Romania there were not many woman who were lifting weights and people look at you a little wired but nothing stopped me to follow my passion: fitness.
I was inspired by the guys in my gym who was bodybuilders champions, I started going to see their competitions and there I started to dream and wished one day to be on a stage. Many years later in USA I found out about bikini fitness and I knew that this is the category that is perfect for me!!
I started working with professional coaches who got me prepared for these competitions, training smart, following a healthy diet and attending fitness competitions. You need a budget for doing competition, coaches fee, competition fee. I want people to understand the whole process, you not just show up.
Ms. Namita Nayyar: How your interest and experience in health & wellness and background of many years in Professional Bikini competitions has helped you in carving your present profession of being a fitness model and fitness expert?
Ms. Gabriela Panduru: Having 15 years of fitness lifestyle, being a natural athlete, I always studied, read, watched videos, attending seminars and always wanted to learn. I took my personal trainer certification just in order to understand all process of training, to change your physique, to live a healthy lifestyle ! Working with the best in the business, networking with other athletes always brought you a lot of information and you need to take what is the best for you!
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