Ms. Namita Nayyar:
With a massive following of over 1 million followers on your Instagram account @gabbydawnallen you’re a social media sensation and an internet leading star. How does it feel to be a role model & an inspiration in influencing a healthy lifestyle of so many individuals?
Ms. Gabby Allen:
This is exactly why I chose to stay true to my roots, after luckily gaining my platform. It’s so rewarding whenever I receive feedback from a follower who is on the journey with me. I loved my job fitness before and I love it now, I just don’t teach 10 classes a day anymore! I’m lucky to be able to use the position I’m now in to still continue to train and help people achieve their goals, just on a different scale.
Ms. Namita Nayyar:
Being a qualified fitness instructor, what would be your tips for an aspiring model who wishes to join the entertainment industry?
Ms. Gabby Allen:
The industry is fast changing, for the better, but most of all I would say, find what you’re interested in, what you’re good at and work your ass off! You need to have a niche and a USP. Find it and do it to the best of your ability and stand out. It’s a constant work in progress, but always aspire to be the best version of yourself, not someone else, you.
Ms. Namita Nayyar:
WF team would love to have your views on our website and message for our visitors?
Ms. Gabby Allen:
Women fitness website offers not only fitness advice and information but so much more! Life hacks, nutrition, and inside info and secrets into some of the most well known names and how they keep their lives on point! Well worth a regular visit… You’ll learn something new every day!
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