Namita Nayyar:
Biathlon requires a lot of strength, stamina, and strategy. Give us 5 tips that are absolutely necessary to follow to excel in this sport and handle stress?
Franziska Preuß:
First of all I think that of course a lot of biathlon training is necessary during the whole year. No matter of good or bad weather. You also need a lot of discipline and ambition. It makes it all a bit easier, if you have an aim you want to reach and this desire must be your motivation the whole summer. Sometimes it’s also important to be tough, especially in hard times, then it’s easier to handle the stress and the next race will offer a new chance.
Namita Nayyar:
Introduce us to a day in your life. One thing you begin your day with.
Franziska Preuß:

A normal training day in summer starts at 7 a.m. for me. I get up and I have breakfast! Breakfast is my favorite meal. We start with our first training session at 8.30 a.m. at the biathlon stadium in Ruhpolding. First we do the zeroing of our rifles and then the trainer introduce us our training. Mostly it is endurance training; it takes from zeroing to unstrap our roller skis about +/- 3h. Sometimes I have Physio directly after the training. Then I go home for lunch and after eating I take a little nap to get some energy for the 2nd session. I start the supplementary training, like jogging, ride a bike or strength training at 4 p.m. I’m back at around 6 p.m. My boyfriend is also an athlete, so he is back from training, too. We prepare the dinner together. In the evening I do a little stretching or I clean my rifle and make “dry shooting”. And then I really enjoy lying on the couch and doing nothing
Namita Nayyar:
Five exercises that essentially comprise your workout routine that you may like to share, both strength & flexibility? The therapy you undertake to prevent injury or overcome it?
Franziska Preuß:
Our main training aids are roller skis. We train a lot with them; it’s the best training for biathlon, because they are really similar to cross-country skis. And the best thing of our sport is that you can train so many different things during summer. So the training routine is never boring. We can go roller skiing (approx. 4-5 times a week) additionally we can go jogging, riding a bike, make strength training, and hiking. Since this April I am in Munich one time a week to see a athletic trainer, he shows me a lot of exercises that my whole body is much more stronger and I hope that injuries will never get me again.
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