National Women's Health and Fitness Day


For all women, health and fitness is an important aspect of living a long and happy life. Women often interact with their doctors ONLY when they are sick; we would like to change this. WF health and fitness experts bring you  a forum for health care professionals to reach out to the community and address preventative health issues and how to live a healthy life.  To help you analyze your present health and fitness status we bring you a list of quizzes on women health issues like weight loss, beauty, weight management, exercise and diet.   There is an incredible wealth of resources and knowledge at Women Fitness  ( ) that needs to be shared with our community. In addition, there is a lot to be learned from our community. We hope that Women's Health and Fitness Day will bring women together from all aspects of our community to learn from each other.



What are our goals?

  • To draw the attention of the society on specific health issues facing women and the role of health and fitness throughout women's lives.

  • To provide an opportunity for women and girls in the community to interact with and learn from experts in the specific fields.

  • To provide an opportunity for medical students to interact with and learn from the community, and to help educate their community about important health issues.

  • To provide easy solutions to women on day to day health and fitness issues




Know Your Health & Fitness Level better:


Diabetes Quiz:

Diabetes is a disease that affects the body's ability to produce and respond to insulin, a hormone that allows blood glucose (blood sugar) to enter the cells of the body and be used for energy. Diabetes Mellitus is a condition characterized by an excess of glucose (sugar) in the blood. This happens because the body is not producing enough insulin, the hormone it needs to break down sugar.


Cholesterol Quiz:

High cholesterol is a leading risk factor for heart disease. Excess cholesterol in the bloodstream can form plaque in artery walls. This plaque causes arteries to become thicker, harder, and less flexible. Eventually, cholesterol will slow down or even stop the blood flow to the heart. When cholesterol becomes so thick that it blocks the flow of blood completely, a clot may form, which results in a heart attack.


Allergy Quiz:

Allergists define allergy as a reaction of the body's immune system that take place after the body becomes sensitized to a substance (allergen), usually a protein. Allergic reactions result when allergy-causing proteins combine with antibodies to trigger the release of histamine and other chemicals that can cause skin rashes and various other symptoms


Are You Heart Smart?

Heart is the "centre" of the cardiovascular system and since every body organ thrives on oxygen, building and maintaining a strong heart is crucial for overall health. The heart health quiz is a test of how much you know about physical activity & heart health.


Rate your Fat Eating Habits:

Fat is an essential part of the diet. yet eating too much of it - especially of highly saturated animal and dairy fats - appears to be a major factor in many illnesses. The following questions are designed to help you to rate your own fat-eating habits.


Rate Your Self Image:

A healthy self image contributes to the way we look and if we look good we feel good about ourselves. Most women at one time or another in their lives suffer from poor self esteem some more than others. Maintaining a strong healthy self esteem is not always easy in a society that has high expectations for performance and attractiveness.


Colorectal Cancer Quiz:

Rate Your Self Image: The colon and the rectum are part of the large intestine, which is part of the digestive system. Because colon cancer and rectal cancers have many features in common, they are sometimes referred to together as colorectal cancer. Colorectal cancer includes cancers of both the large intestine (colon), the lower part of your digestive system, and the rectum, the last 8 to 10 inches of the colon.


Cervical Cancer Quiz:

When cervical cancer develops, the cells of the cervix become abnormal and grow out of control, and the cancer can spread to other parts of the body. But if abnormal cells are caught early, which they often are through the cervical screening program, cancer can be prevented or treated.


Alzheimer's Disease Quiz:

Alzheimer's disease is an incurable, progressive degenerative disease of the brain. It is the most common form of dementia. Dementia is a broad term for the deterioration of brain function which results in loss of memory, reduced language skills and behavioral and emotional problems.


Your Depression Level:

A person experiencing depression, will likely be experiencing substantial changes in the mood, thinking, behaviors, activities and self-perceptions. A depressed person often has difficulty making decisions, for example, and the day-to-day tasks of paying bills, attending classes, reading assignments, and returning phone calls may seem overwhelming.


Breast Cancer Quiz:

Approximately 180,000 American women are newly diagnosed with breast cancer disease each year, and it is the leading killer of women in midlife (ages forty to fifty� five) . The only cancer that kills more women overall is lung cancer, but breast cancer is actually responsible for more years of life lost because it generally afflicts younger women.


Good Health Quiz:

You don't have to work out in a gym or go to aerobics classes to keep fit, but you do have to make exercise and activity of some sort part of your daily life, Here is a simple quiz to help you to rate your everyday habits for fitness value.


Leukemia Quiz:

From the Greek meaning "white blood". Leukemia is a cancer of a marrow cell. The term refers to a group of closely related malignant conditions affecting the immature blood-forming cells in the bone marrow. so is that certain cells in the body become abnormal. Another is that the body keeps producing large numbers of white cells.


Psoriasis Quiz:

Once thought to be a skin disorder, psoriasis is now understood to be a condition originating in the immune system that can appear in many different forms and can affect any part of the body, including the nails and scalp. The patches may be silver or red. It is characterized by skin cells that multiply up to 10 times faster than normal. As underlying cells reach the skin's surface and die, their sheer volume causes raised, red patches covered with white scale.


Heartburn Quiz:

Heartburn is a burning sensation in the chest that can extend to the neck, throat, and face; it is worsened by bending or lying down. It is the primary symptom of gastro esophageal reflux, which is the movement of stomach acid into the esophagus. Heartburn is generally related to meals and posture. On rare occasions, it is due to gastritis (stomach lining inflammation).


Postpartum Depression:

Have you recently given birth? Are you feeling exhausted, anxious, depressed, or just not yourself? If you are you are not alone. Many women are not prepared for the wide range of emotions they may experience after the birth of a child. They often feel sadness, anger, anxiety, or a sense of inadequacy. Take the quiz


Scoliosis Quiz:

Scoliosis is a bending and twisting of the spinal column affecting mainly the thoracic (middle spine) or the lumbar (lower spine) it is sometimes progressive and distorts the chest and back. If left untreated, can lead to severe deformity.


Asthma Quiz:

Asthma is a chronic condition of the lungs that has two main components. Two things happen inside the lungs of women suffering with Asthma�constriction, the tightening of the muscles surrounding the airways, and inflammation, the swelling and irritation of the airways.


Irritable Bowel Syndrome:

Irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS, is a problem that affects mainly the bowel which is also called the large intestine. The bowel is the part of the digestive system that makes and stores stool. The word syndrome means a group of symptoms. IBS is a syndrome because it can cause several symptoms. For example, IBS causes cramping, bloating, gas, diarrhea, and constipation.


Rate Your Stress Level:

People have different personality traits and sometimes these can become sufficiently exaggerated to be classified as a disorder. The eight questions below may be a guide to helps you to judge how well you cope with the stresses of everyday life. Some surroundings are more stressful than other.


Your beauty secrets revealed?

Trying to look good gets more complex everyday. Take the quiz to uncover your beauty secrets and learn more about your self.


Multiple sclerosis Quiz:

A progressive disease of nerves in the brain and spinal cord causing weakness and problems with sensation and vision. Multiple sclerosis (MS) is the most common nervous system disorder affecting young adults. In this condition, nerves in the brain and spinal cord are progressively damaged, causing a wide range of symptoms that affect sensation, movement, body functions, and balance.


Cancer Awareness Quiz:

An estimated 5 to 10 per cent of cancer risk, lower than previously thought, stems from genetic factors. Those with a strong family history of cancer can use that knowledge to focus on the particular risk factors to guard against. It is possible, for example, that some people may be especially sensitive to low levels of carcinogens in foods, the environment, and consumer products. And, because a lot of small risks can add up over a lifetime, it makes sense for everyone to try to avoid as many as possible.


How much do you know about chronic illness?

Chronic illness doesn't mean only arthritis, heart disease and the like - it includes asthma, allergies and dozens of other conditions. Yet even those who live with them often know little about such complaints. Find out how much you know by trying this quiz. Tick the right answers and check your score below.