Ms. Namita Nayyar:
What would be your advice for young girls who look up to you and aspire to become ballroom dancers one day?
Ms. Fabienne Liechti:
I would recommend starting at a young age. Start with ballet for a few years to get a good physical base, like f.e. for developing a nice shape of your feet, a high instep, great body flexibility… Definitely, learn English, it’s the world dance language.
Of course, it all depends what level you want to reach. So, if someone is really serious about becoming a world-class professional competitive ballroom dancer with big goals, my number one advice is: be fully committed, be fully dedicated, put all in. But also, be prepared for the dark sides. Ballroom dancesport is an incredibly beautiful and rewarding art and sport merged in one. I’m grateful for every minute I have dedicated to ballroom dancesport. However, there are also quite a few downsides.
You’ll need to practice every day, travel a lot, be away from your family and friends and probably be homesick and lonely at times. You have to work super hard, spend all your money on travel, lessons, dresses, shoes, makeup, etc. with no cashback for your hard work for a veeeery long time. You will have to make uncomfortable decisions, sacrifices that hurt, live on a breadline… You might need to move to a foreign country at a young age as this is where your dance partner lives. A country that you don’t know and where you don’t speak the language. You will fight with your dance partner, that’s for sure but with time, you will become a good communicator as that’s what you will really learn. You will be with your dance partner almost 24/7, and at times you will feel glued together. So, developing a good relationship with good communication is key.
Ballroom dancesport is subjective and can’t be measured. Be prepared that your results can be like this one day, different the other day… Depending on who is judging and if the judges are “good” or “bad” for you. You need to be able to deal with bad results, maybe losing quickly and instead put your energy into practicing and focusing on your goals. Don’t blame it on your partner and split up. Instead, be a team. In general, as longer you stay together, the better.
You will be judged not only for your performance but also for the way you look. From your body to your dress, your face expression on the floor, just for everything, the entire package. Also make sure, you have good manners, behave politely, communicate nicely with teachers, judges, organizers…
I guess, if you keep all that in mind, you’re all set.
Ms. Namita Nayyar:
You are best known for your appearances with singer Gloria Estefan, drummer and percussionist Sheila E and So You Think You Can Dance dancer Dmitry Chaplin on the American live fundraiser show American Idol, Idol gives back on Fox Television. How has your experience been working with these stars?

Ms. Fabienne Liechti:
It’s always wonderful and valuable to work with celebrities. They are always very professional and know exactly what they are doing. Working with Gloria, Sheila and Dmitry were wonderful experiences and I enjoyed their talent and professionalism a lot. It all worked seamlessly, everybody knew what they were doing. Just professional in every way. Their success is so much deserved and I have the biggest respect for their work.
Ms. Namita Nayyar:
What do you wish to say about the website Womenfitness.net and message for our visitors?
Ms. Fabienne Liechti:
Ah, I love Womenfitness! This team brings so much in-depth knowledge from nutrition, beauty, to exercise, celebrities and so much more.. Could spend all day reading through all these informative articles! What great reads, just all in one place, love it!
Follow her on:
- Website: http://fabylis.com
- New Website: http://fabienneliechti.com (coming soon!)
- Facebook: http://facebook.com/fabienneliechti
- Instagram: http://instagram.com/fabienneliechti
- My Fabylis® Online Programs: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCObUc9FpGyZEKhTale9H-MA/playlists
- YouTube Main Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCObUc9FpGyZEKhTale9H-MA/videos
- YouTube Dance: https://www.youtube.com/c/FabienneLiechtiDance
- YouTube Digital Nomad: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFY1SvZvNHgyisLykGd9l9Q/videos
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