By Melanie Avalon:
Health Influencer, Podcaster,
And Entrepreneur.
The term “superfoods” tends to conjure images of magical ingredients promising to unlock the secrets of longevity. In reality, no single food paves the way to the fountain of youth, and vitality more likely resides in
a whole-foods-based diet, abundant in protein and essential nutrients to support overall health and well-being. Avoiding processed foods and their slew of refined sugar and oxidized seed oils provides a solid step to health that far surpasses the benefits of any single “superfood” That said, incorporating a variety of foods with unique and potent health benefits into one’s regimen can significantly enhance the diet’s health-promoting potential. Consider these ten such “superfoods,” that may nourish one’s health in remarkable ways.
Salmon provides an excellent source of high-quality protein essential for muscle growth and repair, with a potentially more digestible and anti-inflammatory amino acid profile than land animals. Salmon is also notably an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, in particular EPA and DHA, which support heart health, reduce inflammation, and are critical for brain function. Salmon is notably low in mercury, making it a safer choice for regular consumption. It is important to note that, while wild-caught salmon is leaner and features a more favorable omega-3 ratio, responsibly farmed, sustainable salmon may be slightly lower in mercury. Salmon also contains vitamin D, which supports bone health and immune function.
Bison meat offers the rich nutrition of red meat, with a notably leaner profile, less cholesterol, and fewer calories. It is high in protein, iron, zinc, and vitamin B12, all of which are crucial for energy production and immune function. Studies have even found that bison may support more favorable blood lipid panels and inflammatory status in comparison to other red meat, resulting in a reduced atherogenic risk.
Scallops provide an excellent source of lean protein, particularly the amino acids taurine and glycine, which boast anti-inflammatory potential and were even found in a rodent trial to support weight loss, in comparison to all other amino acids. Scallops also feature an array of nutrients, including selenium, which helps protect cells from oxidative damage and supports thyroid function, as well as zinc, which supports the immune system. Like salmon, scallops tend to be lower in mercury and were even the lowest species measured in the 1990 – 2012 FDA report.
For the ultimate powerhouse of nutrition, look no further than Spirulina: a blue-green algae renowned for its dense nutrient profile. Spirulina provides a high-quality plant-based protein featuring all nine essential amino acids, making it a vegan source of complete protein. Perfect for boosting daily nutrition and potential akin to a multivitamin in whole-foods form, spirulina is loaded with vitamins (such as B vitamins including B12), minerals (such as iron and copper), and powerful antioxidants like phycocyanin and GLA, which boast anti-inflammatory properties. Spirulina notably has been shown to increase compounds in the body that combat oxidative stress, including glutathione and superoxide dismutase. Because spirulina lacks a cell wall, it is easily digested by the body.
The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.