Ms. Namita Nayyar: You have done bold photo shoots with W, Vogue, Elle, American Harpers Bazaar and Allure. How you are so body confident and advice to your compatriots?
Ms. Elise Crombez: I wasn’t confident about my body at all. But your imagination takes over and I always worked towards the best picture, it was like acting. The insecure Elise waited for me outside the studio and I did my job as a model. I was often stressed about not fitting the clothes and not being skinny enough but I always knew I could work towards a great picture. And we all have our days. I’m not perfect and especially not when I’m put under a microscope.
A bad experience of being sent away on a shoot because “you’re not right” or not getting a show being “you’re fat” is normal. I mean, it will happen and it doesn’t mean you’re a bad person or you can’t be a model. It is a bump in the road, that’s all. Go take care of yourself, do something for yourself and come back feeling good and radiant and make people regret what they said or did. But nothing or no one is more important than you.

Ms. Namita Nayyar: What you wish to say about the website Womenfitness.net and message for its visitors?
Ms. Elise Crombez: I think part of the reason I’ve done this job for so long, is because I’m passionate about women and young girls. Hope this doesn’t sound weird… Let me explain. I have gone through a lot of self-discovery in this job. I was a little girl when I started and was by myself for most of my realizations as a young woman. I think we should all help one another and be honest about the pitfalls and the secrets of feeling good in our skin and life.
I’ve talked to older women a lot. One of my favorite things to do. They know what matters and what doesn’t. They know what they are good at and what they want. I’m 32 now and my body, my face and my mind changes. And I love every moment of it. I love talking to younger girls and recognize mindsets I’ve been in and I’m happy that time passed as much as I remember the good moments of it. Being a woman is so fascinating and we need to take a minute to realize we are all powerhouses. Not in a man-crushing way, but just be proud of yourself and tell a woman you (don’t) know she is beautiful, compliment each other. We have a lot to learn from each other and to give to one another.
Women Fitness Team thanks Elise Crombez for giving her valuable time for this interview and quenching the thirst of her fans to know more about her and also wish to thank Marc Dochez from Dominiqu Models who made this interview happen.
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