Ms. Namita Nayyar: You have glowing skin and gorgeous hairs. Do you take some kind of skin treatment to keep it young and glowing and secondly what you do to your hairs to make them look so stunning?
Ms. Elise Crombez: I’m very lucky with my skin, my hair too a beating during the shows and when I had it red. Now my hair feels thick and healthy because it is not being messed with 3 times a day! You have to do masks and treatments whenever you’re not working.
As for my skin, I take supplements for my skin, hair and use very basic, non-perfumed products. French drugstores are heaven to me. The most important thing to me is to clean my face at night and feel hydrated. I love the SKII cloth masks and get a facial when I need it.
There are no secrets, sleep, a lot of water, healthy diet and good juices will make your skin glow. But a glass of wine makes me happy and that will show as well. With moderation…

Ms. Namita Nayyar: Tell us about your experience of working at the prestigious Victoria’s Secret fashion shows in 2006 and 2007?
Ms. Elise Crombez: To be honest, being one of the models in that show was a confirmation for me at the time. I wanted to “be sexy” and “feminine”. The show was great and we were pampered, I got to meet Justin Timberlake and see the Spice Girls in real life just to make me realize once more I’m friggin’ tall!!! But I don’t need to be in my underwear on stage to realize that I can be sexy and wanted. That comes with age, ironically enough.
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