PR Agency: @sggpublicrelations
MUA: @annerysmua
Wardrobe Stylist: @yildacloset
Social media channel you are updated with? What do you love the most about it?
What I use the most is Instagram and Facebook! I love the contact I can have with people and how I can get to them and motivate them to be better.
Fond Memories from your first ever photoshoot.
I was so nervous I remember that part of my eye was shaking, I was sweating and sweating, we took so many pictures and I didn’t like any of them! Hahahaha.
Your morning beauty ritual before a photoshoot? Your haircare routine includes?
I wake up and hydrate my skin with creams because the day of the shoot I don’t drink much water! For my hair, I use natural products and oils made at home.
After a long hard-working day, you relax with?
A shower, a glass of wine, sometimes I read and other times I watch Netflix and then go to sleep.
5 things that you carry before leaving your house?
My cell phone, charger, my wallet, some makeup, and a snack.
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