Ms. Namita Nayyar:
You are a world-leading media personality, fashion icon, businesswoman (with a boutique in Hornchurch called Danni Boutique.) and reality TV star. We would like to have a glimpse into a day of your remarkable multi-dimensional lifestyle.
Ms. Danielle Armstrong:
I currently run DANNI Boutique which is a high street shop and also an online boutique too which I love and enjoy being so hands on with both sides of the business. My weeks consist of replenishment and looking at new lines we will be adding to the collection and any admin work which is my weakest skill ha!
I love to engage with my customers so any new styles that arrive I will be promoting on my social media and explaining how I would style that particular garment. I have factories in both London and Italy so I’ll be liaising with both throughout the week as well as popping in and out Of London showrooms to view next seasons range.
As well as my fashion business I have a health distribution network from the success of my own product result. I have around 8-10K consumers of the world’s leading nutrition brand of which we are all part of a community which we have put together online via Facebook.
Ms. Namita Nayyar:
You have lost 2 stone and toned down your body remarkably! This proves that staying fit has become a part of your lifestyle. Unfold the exercises that comprise your fitness regime on a daily basis?
Ms. Danielle Armstrong:
In all honestly with my busy lifestyle I don’t get to go to the gym as much as I would like to do however when I do it will be 2 times a week for an hour. I like to do cardio for 20 mins which will be the tread mill and then 45 mins of weights and resistance work.
This is probably great news to your readers as most of my weight loss is down to my nutrition plan.
Ms. Namita Nayyar:
Adequate nutrition is an integral part of staying healthy. What kind of diet do you follow to stay healthy and physically fit? Enlist your 5 favorite foods? Do you have food taboos?
Ms. Danielle Armstrong:
Since September 2016 I have started my morning with a Herbalife nutrition breakfast smoothie alongside that I do my best to have a healthy balanced lunch and dinner.
I love to make a salad for lunch, lots of people think salads are boring for lunch but that because they’re not putting love into it. I’ll make chicken & avocado with lettuce cucumber and I’ll add pomegranate with and like to experiment with adding different seeds making my own healthy salad dressing. I also have tuna and mixed seafood salads. For evening meals I love fish so lots of salmon fillets and sea bass with vegetables and sweet potato mash. I also love to make chicken and prawn stir fry.
I like to snack on carrot sticks and hummus and rice cakes with cottage cheese.
My biggest taboo is butter I’ve always hated it since I was a little girl even the smell of it makes me sick.
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