Dani Stevens is an exceptionally talented fitness and motivational expert. She is mother of four healthy and beautiful children. She is in conversation with Namita Nayyar, President Women Fitness.
Ms. Namita Nayyar: You have a Serbian-Croatian background and was born in Australia. You initially worked for in the IT&T industry for over 15 years in various sales, marketing and management roles. You must have been a active participant in outdoor activities. You reached the pinnacle of success by running your website www.danistevens.com and providing useful information to women on health and fitness. Tell us about your journey that took you to the world of fitness?
Ms. Dani Stevens: I’m just a mum – like so many other women around the world. I’ve been lucky enough to have four amazing children and a very supportive husband. Without them, I would not have the motivation to achieve everything I have.Motherhood was really the trigger for my successful business – it was the beginning of everything. The stress of four pregnancies on my body had meant my weight had yo-yoed up and down for years – and that was causing other health issues that I knew I had to take action to repair.For me, it’s all about what you feed your body – great nutrition is the foundation of any health lifestyle. I also needed exercises that I could stick to and when you’ve got four young children, having the time to go to the gym, or having the budget to buy exercise equipment to use at home just isn’t always possible.Now that I’m motivating other people on their own fitness journey at DaniStevens.com, I know they’re facing the same issues – lack of time and lack of resources, sometimes.What I am about is finding ways to do small steps that fit with people’s lifestyle – and, over time, get big results. It starts with eating fresh food – lots of veggies and fruit. Then there are exercises that you can do at home, in the park or at the beach – plus lots of ways you and your whole family can move together.

Ms. Namita Nayyar: You shed over 90 kgs – 200 lbs combined weight over your four pregnancies and with exceptional physical training you achieved the enviable transformation of your body. Tell us more about your body transformation success?
Ms. Dani Stevens: It wasn’t always easy. Losing weight and getting fit means you need to focus – you need to have a clear goal and just stay motivated to achieve it. For me, the main motivation was my family. I want to live a long healthy life to be there for them and watch them grow up – and I want to be an amazing role model who shows them that living their own healthy lives is natural and fun.Taking a good long look at how much processed foods, refined sugars and unwanted fats is ending up in you fridge and pantry is the best place to start. Fill your fridge with fresh fruit – organic if you can – drink lots of water, and pile your plate with vegetables, instead of too many empty carbohydrates. I’m not a nutritionist but I know that healthy, whole food is brilliant for your body.And by moving together with your family – from fun runs, to swimming, to skipping rope, bouncing on the trampoline or just playing ball or Frisbee. There are so many ways that you can be active. That’s what I did. The benefit is that, not only does your body get stronger and leaner – your kids have memories that will last them a lifetime. Health and happiness go hand in hand.

Ms. Namita Nayyar: Share your exercise routine that you do to maintain such a bikini perfect physique?
Ms. Dani Stevens: My exercises are mainly body weight as I do them on the go or when I am playing with our children. A sample of my exercise routine styles are found in my latest 30 Days Of Fitness & Food ebook:
- 10-12 lunges x3 sets
- 10-12 squats x3 sets
- 10-12 mountain climbers x3
- 10-12 heel kicks
- 10-12 burpees
I also enjoy going to my Pilates reformer classes which maintains and builds my intrinsic and core muscles. I also love boxing classes.
Ms. Namita Nayyar: What is your diet? Do you take a particular fixed regulated diet comprising of nutrients and vitamins to keep you in perfect health?
Ms. Dani Stevens: I mainly rely on 100% fresh and whole foods. However on occasions when I know I have had a hectic few months, there are vitamins and superfood powders I consume such as baobab, Acai berry, spirulina and chlorophyll.
Ms. Namita Nayyar: What is your motivation to take a multi-faceted personality of a fitness model, fitness expert, media personality, nutritional expert, motivational speaker and interview host?
Ms. Dani Stevens: Again it’s all about my family and being happy in life. I wanted to show them what you can do when you put your mind to it. Dreams can come true – at any age. Good health can’t be done in isolated steps of some special, calorie-restricted diet, or some intense workout.
That’s why people start off strong and then give up – it’s too hard and it’s unsustainable. Healthy lifestyle is just that – a whole lifestyle. I want to share that with people and the online world is such a brilliant way to do that. It started with a blog over at Fitness Food And Style and recently changed to DaniStevens.com which has become a successful, brilliant business that I love.
The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.