![Colleen Quigley](https://www.womenfitness.net/wp/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/AE5I4339.jpg)
Namita Nayyar:
Before taking the decision of joining the Bowerman Track Club, you spoke to Shalane Flanagan several times. Share with us tips extended by her, that helped you in taking the final step towards becoming a professional runner.
Colleen Quigley:
Shalane was so kind to me when I was graduating from Florida State and trying to figure out what my next steps would be. She gave me an idea of what it looks like to be a professional runner and what kind of dedication it takes. Shalane is an incredible roll model for me and for my other BTC teammates. She dedicates her whole life to her sport, she lives and breathes it. But she also is able to find that very important balance with her personal life, especially in the off-season when she needs to take a little break from the intensity of training- both physically and mentally. Shalane does all the little things right- she gets proper recovery, eats good foods, as well as the big things like coming to practice with the right mindset, ready to work really hard and give the workout everything she has on that day.
Namita Nayyar:
What are you plans or goals for the upcoming year 2019?
Colleen Quigley:
In October of 2019 the World Championships for Track and Field will be held in Doha, Qatar. In 2015 I qualified for the World Champs in Beijing right after graduation and finished 12th. In 2017 I qualified for the World Champs in London after having finished 8th in the Olympics in Rio the year before. I was very fit going into the World Champs in London last year, but unfortunately made a small but critical error and stepped on the white line on the inside of the track after coming out of the water pit and I was disqualified. I was devastated by this experience and completely heartbroken that my hard work did not get to pay off in the way I wanted it to. So for 2019 I am more determined than ever to stand on the podium at World Champs with a medal around my neck and an American flag around my shoulders.
![Colleen Quigley](https://www.womenfitness.net/wp/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/1-3.jpg)
Namita Nayyar:
On a day-off, what activities do you like to indulge in?
Colleen Quigley:
A day off! Sounds lovely!
I rarely take a day completely off. An easy day for me is a 8-10 mile run and a 30 min swim with some stretching, core, and rehab exercises.
Outside of that I am a volunteer coach for the Portland State track and field/cross country team.
I also love to be creative, so sometimes that means decorating the pages of my bullet journal (check out my journal here) or knitting up a gift for a friend. I’m a huge crafter, I love to knit and sew and make handmade cards- I’m secretly such a grandma!
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