Claire Woods is an exceptionally talented fashion and glamour model. She also has a fitness online clothing store cwfit.
Women Fitness President Ms. Namita Nayyar catches up with Claire Woods, fashion and glamour model, who talks about her workout, diet and career as a model.
Namita Nayyar:
A healthy morning ritual that you follow every single day?
Claire Woods:
First thing is a cappuccino. Starting the day with a good coffee is essential. Then I will make a plan for the day.
Namita Nayyar:
You are a sought-after model now; tell us about how this journey began? Your work complements your personality, Describe in three words?

Claire Woods:
When I was 11 in dance class, my teacher recommended me to a modeling agency. Three words to describe me would be confident, creative and hard-working
Namita Nayyar:
Share the best part of your job as a model? Was it an easy way or filled with struggle?
Claire Woods:
The best part of my job is being able to express myself, and having the opportunity to work with various talented photographers.
Full Interview is Continued on Next Page
This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar President womenfitness.net and should not be reproduced, copied or hosted in part or full anywhere without an express permission.
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