With people under various restrictions on movement, including stay-at-home orders and self-isolation, families are devising alternative ways to celebrate the Easter holidays.

Ways to Celebrate Easter
Participate in Online Easter church services:
Many L.A. churches will live- or video-stream Easter services on their websites and Facebook pages, and they invite nonmembers to worship with them. All Saints Pasadena will offer Easter services in English and Spanish. Many streaming Easter services will lack choirs. But if you yearn for uplifting religious music it’s easy to access.
The world-famous Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square will stream its 2018 Handel’s “Messiah” concert on Friday. After that it will be available online. Viewers can download and print a free score of the Handel classic for a singalong.

Try Hosting virtual Passover Seder dinners:
If you can’t have family and friends over for a festive Easter meal, open Zoom or FaceTime in the kitchen Sunday and cook your own along with them. It’s satisfying to share the experience. The confectioner/bakery has received more orders than usual for its handmade chocolates, cakes and pastries. There is no doubt, people are struggling with all the changes right now; it’s pretty intense for everyone. A sweet treat is a great comfort and distraction.
Hold family-only Egg hunts in the backyard:
Engage children with pre-Easter decorating and egg-dyeing activities they can share with their friends and family on Zoom or FaceTime. Having a virtual Easter egg hunt on Sunday will likely be chaotic but still fun. Parents can FaceTime in grandparents and chase the kids as they hunt, encouraging them to show and tell what they found. Because it’s all about Easter eggs and candy, trust me, the kids will love it.
Create a New Family Tradition this Easter:
Make “Christ is risen!” banners to hang around the house. Have a special food. If fresh flowers — a colorful symbol of new life — are available, bring some in to decorate the spaces where your family gathers. Teach your children the traditional Easter greeting “Alleluia! Christ is risen!” and the response “The Lord is risen indeed. Alleluia!” Washing someone else’s feet, especially for children to wash their parents’ feet and each other’s, can be a powerful experience.
Decorate the space for Easter with symbols of new life — flowers, a budding branch, pictures of butterflies or baby animals (invite children to draw these or cut them out from old magazines), etc. In the days following Easter Sunday, gather there each day as a family to pray together and read a short passage of scripture about the events following the Resurrection.”
Give Back with Acts of Kindness to those in need and donations to charities that serve them:
This year consider supporting one of the nonprofit organizations helping with COVID-19 relief efforts. With so many suffering, Recount all that we should be grateful for.
This year, make Easter a season long, rather than one-day, celebration.
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