Ms. Namita Nayyar:
Do you take some special diet or have a strict menu that you follow to remain healthy and physically fit?
Ms. Carlie Hunter:
No I definitely don’t have a strict diet! I eat what I want but certainly in moderation. I believe that it is important to eat a balanced, maintainable diet. Not everyone is the same and not everyone can eat what they like. I try to eat a lot of protein and fats for breakfast and I drink a lot of water. When I am competing I may use a protein supplement after training but I try not to as I believe we can get our nutrients from food. I do however take magnesium, fish oil and glucosamine suppliments for my muscles and joints.
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Ms. Namita Nayyar:
Advice and motivational words to the inspiring and budding pole dancing girls who all are your fans, they shall like to know from you, what they should do for their climb to ladder of success in field of pole dancing ?
Ms. Carlie Hunter:
I think it’s extremely important to not measure yourself against others and to be true to yourself and your own style. I find a lot of girls who compare them selves to other pole dancers and its important to remember that everybody has had their own path to success. Every training step you have taken in your life has led each dancer to their current ability, whether it be in pole or somewhere else. It is important to look after your body, train at your own pace and be consistent. The most important thing is to NEVER GIVE UP, as cliche as it sounds. I have never found any success the first time I have wanted something but my persistence and drive has followed with success.
Ms. Namita Nayyar:
How did you feel before and after standing 1st at Miss Pole Dance Australia 2012, Doubles Division?
Ms. Carlie Hunter:
Fantastic! Myself and performer Chelle Hafner had a lot of fun with this routine. It was one of the easiest routines to prepare due to our ability to get along and get things done. Chelle and I were extremely happy to be crowned champions at the competition and it gave me a lot of confidence as well as a taste for doubles. This was also a large factor in the reason I went on to win the International Pole Championships Doubles category in Hong Kong as it gave me a stepping stone as well as doubles knowledge.
Ms. Namita Nayyar:
Tell us about the activities of your endeavor Adelaide based pole studio “The Pole Boutique”?
Ms. Carlie Hunter:
The Pole Boutique! The love of my life, besides my fiancée of course! The Pole Boutique was set up because I wanted a studio in which I could create a community environment and share my passion for this amazing sport. I previously spoke with several students who had felt my help had assisted them in fixing a lot of personal issues including confidence and I wanted to share that ability with as many others as I could.
The studio has been around for 3.5 years now and has done extremely well both in business and competitively. We were a finalist in the 2013 Telstra Business Awards with just 4 others in the small business category, we consider this as a huge step for exposing pole dance to the business world as a legitimate fitness. The studio now boasts over 40 classes a week and is my main time consumer. I teach around 15- 20 lessons a week including classes and private tuition and I spend a lot of time helping my instructors and students to recognize their own dreams.
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