What’s your advice on how to bounce back from a set back?
Don’t be so hard on yourself when you experience a misstep while pursuing your goals. Life isn’t a short race! Be realistic in your expectations but be persistent in getting back up after a stumble!
With a busy acting career, how are you able to balance your work and fitness schedules?
I believe you make the time for what is important to you. Taking care of myself in terms of health and wellness is a priority for me so I am mindful to carve out the time to include some fitness. I am typically able to fit in my two or three yoga classes per week in the morning. If I’m having an especially busy day, and I only have fifteen or twenty minutes when I first wake up or before I have to go to bed, then I use that time to get in a walk or quick interval training workout. I try to be mindful of my body all day long by engaging my core when I am walking or doing my day to day tasks. I always try to use the stairs whenever possible and if I’m traveling, I take advantage of exploring the local sites on foot whenever possible.
What is something about you that would surprise people to learn?
I’ve always adored Elmo and can do a great Elmo impersonation!
What is a favorite splurge?
Donuts are a favorite of mine for atreat. SK Donuts in Los Angeles is a favorite splurge stop and the old-fashioned blueberry donut is one of my favorites.
You can follow Brytni Sarpy on Instagram at @Brytni, on Twitter at @_Brytni and on her website at www.Brytni.com
About the author: Charlene Bazarian is a fitness and weight loss success story after losing 96 pounds. She mixes her no-nonsense style of fitness advice with humor on her blog at Fbjfit.com and on Facebook at FBJ Fit.
The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.