Ms. Namita Nayyar:
You have glowing skin and gorgeous hair. Do you take some kind of skin treatment to keep it young and glowing and secondly what you do to your hair to make them look so stunning?
Ms. Bruna Kajiya:
For my skin I make sure I protect it well when going to the water, I can be exposed to the sun for 5-6 hours a day. For that I use a sunscreen from Skinceuticals factor 50, its only minerals so it’s a good option for your skin, especially if you have oily skin. In order to make it last longer in the water I apply another sunscreen from Avene factor 50 in the form of a compact powder. This way I can be hours in the water without worrying.
My hair trick is coconut oil, I protect my hair before going in the water with it. Apart from hydrating it, giving an amazing glow it also blocls the salt water from going in my hair and damaging it.
Ms. Namita Nayyar:
Advice and motivational words to our inspiring and budding professional kitesurfing girls who all are your fans, what they should do for their climb to ladder of success in the field of kitesurfing ?
Ms. Bruna Kajiya:
One of the most important things is to find an ideal location for practicing, make sure you invest in going to one of the spots in the world where the wind blows almost everyday and you get to ride constantly. One of the big challenges to progress in kiting is waiting for wind, this breaks the momentum of the learning process. Also respect your body; learn how to listen to it. Kiteboarding is a sport with a lot of injuries, if you push too hard the chances of hurting yourself is high and that might put a bump on the start of your career.
Ms. Namita Nayyar:
You won O’neill Kitesurf World Cup The Hague 2012. Elaborate on this win of yours and how did you feel before and after winning this title?
Ms. Bruna Kajiya:
A win always feels amazing but also each of them is incredibly unique, depending of what you’ve been thru to be there. The win in The Hague had a special taste, I was coming from a second place on a previews competition where I felt I got misjudged on my scores and that hit me strong. For a bit I was down about it, but one day I stood up and decided I was going to train extra hard to make sure that wouldn’t happen on the next competition, that there would be no doubt on the judges side. So going there and performing to have a clean win was a big achievement for me.
Ms. Namita Nayyar:
You while searching the most remote and interesting locations to take kiteboarding, together with Red Bull you found a salt platform in the middle of the ocean. Tell us about this unique experience of kitesurfing on the salt?
Ms. Bruna Kajiya:
Kiteboarding on salt was such an incredible project, the feeling of going somewhere were kitesurfing had never been is very exiting. To be the pioneer n something, break paradigms, try something new. You face totally difference challenges, the salt melted and hardened so it was sharp, every fall took a bit of your skin and blood dripped, every movement had to be calculated with extra care because if you fall you hit a surface as hard and the floor. On top of that we were on a platform on the middle of the ocean, such a beautiful scenery, everywhere you looked was deep blue water and right in the middle that gigantic island of salt.
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