
Being strong undoubtedly helps one in carrying out day to day activities by building up ones endurance and aid in the aerobic training.

There are number of good reasons why women should take up body building. In this section WF has covered body building exercises for women, keeping in mind the muscle group involved.


 Article of the Week

Exercise - Article of the Week

World's Four Javelin Thrower's Reveal their Workout, Diet and Beauty Secrets

17 June 2016

It has been an absolute privilege for Ms. Namita Nayyar, President Women Fitness to interview the World's four most stunning Javelin Thrower's namely, Madara Palameika, Asdis Hjalmsdottir, Kara Winger and Liz Gleadle who in turn poured their hearts out and shared their most treasured secrets on what keeps them so healthy and fit. More>


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